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Objectref .enable


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I'm trying to make a quest where at a certain queststage an object that was initially disabled becomes enabled.

In every other quest I've looked at all it does is add an "objectref.enable" line in the result script for the quest stage.


But when I do that, nothing happens!


The object has a persistant reference etc...I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong here!


Help please, before this finally drives me insane:(

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ScriptName 1aDarkLairHitScript


Begin Gamemode



if ( GetStage 1aDarkLairQuest >= 30 )

if ( RegulusTerentiusRef.GetDead == 1 )

SetStage 1aDarkLairQuest 40





That's all I've got for it so far. And then in the quest data for stage 40 I've just put in to objectrefname.enable


Wasn't aware I needed to write a script more than that o_O

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If the object has already been diabled prior to this then ( I will call the object GoldChestRef )


ScriptName 1aDarkLairHitScript


Begin Gamemode



if ( GetStage 1aDarkLairQuest >= 30 )

if ( RegulusTerentiusRef.GetDead == 1 )

SetStage 1aDarkLairQuest 40





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