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Abyssdemon Skeleton file


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I recently downloaded one of the custom races(abyssdemon) and since the install i've had problems loading towns and fighting in certian towns as the game crashes to the desktop randomly. On a not so random CTD. Anytime i try to enter Skingrad , weynon priory or bravl(only three i tested) i CTD. This is after i've uninstalled the mod,deleted textures and meshes,loop files. I think the mod directly changed the skeleton files but if i delete those my game probally won't work at all as it replaced original skeleton files. I need to know if i can find the default files anywhere so i can replace the ones i have or if there is a repair i can use to fix my files. i am using the latest patch with shivering isles installed.



If anyone knows how to fix/replace the skeleton files or completly replace the _male folder data please reply. I've only been playing this game for a week or so and have become slightly over addicted ..and these CTD's are party poopers.


EDIT: i just did some file searching to see if i could spot the problem myself and noticed that the mod installs a file labled "Skeletonbeast" (beth art file). i do not know if this file replaced an original art file or if this is a standalone skeleton file so i can't go about getting rid of it without some help. If anyone knows what this is please answer.

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I re-installed last night and got it all working again. The game formatted the skeletonbeast file for me and now everything is fixed. although since i'm a major roleplayer.. i will now inact sweet revenge on random IC districts..even though my own faults kept me out of the game.. as a dedicated super villian.. this is my duty



When the world is mine and species purification begins.. i will skip yours..



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