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The Oddest Thing..


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Lol.. here is my list:


Falanu Hlaalu: By the way, do you know what the general fee for Necrophilia in Cyrodiil is? (to the reponse i chose) "Let's assume....no."


Mirabelle Monet: "I run the Fo'c'sle. Sorry, no vacancy, my beds are are only reserved for seamen.' (whilst doing some searching in the private rooms, i'm suspiscious that there was a double meaning... hmm.."


Any convo with Jeanne.


General Characters: "I'm so happy to see you, i could just burst!!!" What makes this odd, is that i was only in the game for like, 15 minutes, and i had never met these people in my life..


Alves (Guiild Mage) "Frankly, i could smell it on you.. You must have stepped in... well, let's just say something that isn't very pleasant.."


Weeben-Na: "Describing the rat menu" LOL!!!




I was in a Maruader's cave, and they had just killed me. After i died, they then proceeded to... compliment me? lol..


Your turn.

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"Flyyyyiiiiing so— flyyyyyiiiiing so hiiiiiiiiiiiiigh. Cliff racer— in the skyyyyyyyyyyyy..."

Case closed. :huh:


Of course, "Home is where you hang your enemy's head." is going to be embroidered on my doormat now.

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"Flyyyyiiiiing so— flyyyyyiiiiing so hiiiiiiiiiiiiigh. Cliff racer— in the skyyyyyyyyyyyy..."

Case closed. :huh:


Of course, "Home is where you hang your enemy's head." is going to be embroidered on my doormat now.



haha :P Good luck keeping guests around for very long after they see that :P


Haha.. i overheard some mage in Morrowind saying


"I don't recall using a teleportation spell, but there i was, naked, and alone.."



Haha.. There was one classic one i heard in a Alyeid Ruin


Lol.. i massacred this maruader.. Gods.. if i could decapitated, an arrow through the neck would have done it.. maybe, i shouldn't have been so harsh, yanno? But it did irritate me when she compared my fighting abilities, level 16, mind you, to that of a pregnant cow :/



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LOL yeah especially since my avatar is top of the rank now in the arena, I still find it funny that he says that.

Also the DB Khajit (merchant), he cracks me up.


I agree, I enjoyed his 'friendly' banter as well. Especially his rumour response.

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Someone else posted this on the funny incidents thread as well. It has happened to me too. When I was sneaking towards a blind moth priest, he said: I've gotta cut down on the ale, starting to see things.


If that's really the case, he should drink some more ;)


LOL yeah especially since my avatar is top of the rank now in the arena, I still find it funny that he says that.

Also the DB Khajit (merchant), he cracks me up.



Yup. I really had to smile that at the moment you had to do THE quest, when talking to him he would say something like: "You know, you're not that bad. Let's be friends." That's so mean ;D

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There's always the other favorite Dark Brotherhood reply:


"Brother, I do not spread rumours. I cause them."



Ya, i love talking to the DB members. in fact, it was that Bosmer who gave me the idea to shoot the man through the bars of his cell.


I really liked Sithis's voice.. When you first go into the Sanctuary. The Forlorn Watchman's voice is also awesome.. It freaked my roommate out, but i loved it :P Wish a lot more characters could talk like that..


Lol.. i remember, i was fighting a Dremora Lord, and he was all 'I'm SO AND SO!!!!' and i was like, 'yea? taste this' and i threw a doozy of a spell at him, and won that little battle. :P



Bah.. your character should be able to taunt.. if they can grunt whislt being hit or shout 'Hya!!!' whilst attacking, they can talk, and they can taunt.

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Speaking of taunts and rejoinders, every time I hear an Imperial Watch say "You have my ear, citizen.", I cannot help but think, "Oh, that? I bought it off some shady-looking fellow just up the road. You know, you ought to have a healer check that out..."


And happy fortune that everyone in the game knows my last name (actually, it's just an epithet). Though it is somewhat rude that they address me simply as "Hael." and leave it at that. ;)

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