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The Oddest Thing..


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Oddest thing I've heard of late: "I do not fear death!"... said by every Mythic Dawn cultist— as they are running as fast as they can away from me.


'Do not fear death' eh, Dawnies? Then stand your ground and let me darken those robes of yours a little more! Yes! Jump on my sword, while you can!!! :dry:

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Jump on my sword, while you can!!!

Says the orc with an axe. Strength: 100 Endurance: 100 Intelligence: 0


Have you heard the Wood Elf Mythic Dawn cultists? Those are mad! The time of cleansing is almost heeeereee!

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Weebam-Na's rumor about the Rat resteraunt was one that I liked. Sometimes after going into people's homes after or just at nighttime to do a quest associated with the person, sometimes they say "get out of here" or "stop talking" or some exclamative remark to me.


IE the painter's wife in Cheydinhal after she saying about me I am welcome here anytime and her parting message outside of convo was "You shouldn't be in here" or something like that.



Haha.. Aye.. Weebam-Na's fascination with Fried Rat and Powdered Deer Penis is halarious.


and i know what you mean about that Painters wife... and wasn't this in either Leyawiin or Skingrad? i can't remember lol..


I just saved her husband, and she invited me to rest, and as i was going to take her up on it, she said something along the lines of 'Do i have to call the guard'? Wow.. lol..


I haven't heard it yet, but i can't wait to join the Fighters Guild and hear Watseidutsei and the three fighter's guild members argue..


Haha.. also, Ahdarji's loathing of Argonians, and how they swim in the water around her place is always amusing to hear.. esp. if your PC is an argonian..

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