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Anyone Else Find This Unfair?


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first, to edit credits, go to oblivion/data and there will be a text document entitled credits. simply edit the names, add yours, do a shout out, w/e. just don't mess with techno jumbo at the top.


second, bethesda could use either blu-ray, or compress the contents even more to fit on dvd. or, there is a dvd disc that can hold 9gigs. As for cryo, dish out ~$60, and get an 80gig off newegg.com


both problems solved.

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I remember that in Morrowind, in Skingrad, once you become chief of Thirsk




The guy rewrites a book on you... You where really more widely reconized, becoming factor of Raven Rock. Ahh I think I should make a Mod where at the end of the game, you receive a book entitled with your exploits, etc etc.

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