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TES4 CS help


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I am a long time fallout 3 modder and am familiar with the geck modding tool. The CS for oblivion is similar in interface and most aspects but there are no search options or preview modes and that makes it harder to find the specific items/build kits i am looking for. i was wondering if there was a plugin or something that added these features and if not (probally not) if there was a way to improve upon finding specific items.
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Finding stuff is a nightmare when you are new to the CS, and I have not found anything that makes it easy ( yet )...one little tip, lets say you need to find an item of clothing and have an idea what it begins with ( say Jail clothes ), select clothing, highlight any item then hit the J key and you will be taken to all items of clothes that start with J.

Finding which section fence posts and fire places and other things can be a real pain though.

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even that little bit of info helps bigtime. Your signature says it all.


Yeah i downloaded the contruction kit a few days back and actually got depressed and turned it off..figured instead of modding i'd just download mods and be happy wit hthat..but now i've downloaded mods and want to tweak them...the urge can't be helped lol. Thanks for the info.

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It helps a lot if you stroll around in-game to learn the general architecture of things. Also, spend a day or so just dragging and dropping stuff into the render window to see what the look like.
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