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Oh, the joys of getting a comp from a magazine

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first off there isn't a store in my area to buy a gaming system & I don't have the physical dexterity to put a computer together


lately the heat here has been causing some graphic issues for my laptop so I decided to plunk down for a liquid-cooled tower from Ibuypower & decided on the Gamer mage D405 via PCGamer magazine


It arrived Friday and I hooked it up today there are a few issues I have


1 - the system lists the Activation key as "invalid"


2 - Had I known there was no modem, I wouldn't have ordered it since my options are dial-up or no way

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A brand new modem today is cheaper than dirt.. a good 56K goes for anywhere from $10-$25 Canadian.. so American.. even cheaper.. the Activation Key is another issue entirely... is it a Windows key?? and make sure no spaces are present where none should be.... yeah.. it's easier to miss than you'd think.


If Windows is invalid either call them.. or email your issue to Microsoft. they should with proof of purchase give you a new key free.


buy the modem from http://www.newegg.com/

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A brand new modem today is cheaper than dirt.. a good 56K goes for anywhere from $10-$25 Canadian.. so American.. even cheaper.. the Activation Key is another issue entirely... is it a Windows key?? and make sure no spaces are present where none should be.... yeah.. it's easier to miss than you'd think.


If Windows is invalid either call them.. or email your issue to Microsoft. they should with proof of purchase give you a new key free.


buy the modem from http://www.newegg.com/

Thank you for responding


modem: for my lack of dexterity (and to try not to void the warranty just yet) I chose this modem to save up for


yeah, I did mean the "windows activation key" and apparently it's not uncommon for "win 7" to have an issue with the key on the maiden startup before windows is completely loaded up, so I'll try when I get the modem & if that fails I'll call

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Ask your computer friends about a modem. There is a good chance one of them will have a modem laying around they are not using.


Try calling the people you bought the computer from about the operating System, if they sold it WITH an operating system, you have a reasonable expectation for it to be legal. The way many computer shops install is to use a single copy to install every system, then change the code before shipping. They may have neglected to change the code or used a wrong one on yours. Ask for a new unopened copy of the operating system you were promised. You paid for it, you should get it.


If they sent an Operating system disk, it should have the code on it. The code will be on the disk envelope and not on the disk. And that code should only work with the included disk. This is the reason for asking for an unopened copy.

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If you don't mind me asking, what do you mean lack of dexterity? Do you have arthritis, or whatever Michael J. Fox has? If you lack the dexterity to assemble a computer, that somewhat limits your choices in gaming.

No, I don't mind you asking. Nope I don't have arthritis or Parkinson's I have "Cerebral Palsy" & yes it does limit my choices gamepads aren't fun for me, infact they can be painful (not made to be played with one good hand) tho I haven't tried the Wii yet


Ask your computer friends about a modem. There is a good chance one of them will have a modem laying around they are not using.


Try calling the people you bought the computer from about the operating System, if they sold it WITH an operating system, you have a reasonable expectation for it to be legal. The way many computer shops install is to use a single copy to install every system, then change the code before shipping. They may have neglected to change the code or used a wrong one on yours. Ask for a new unopened copy of the operating system you were promised. You paid for it, you should get it.


If they sent an Operating system disk, it should have the code on it. The code will be on the disk envelope and not on the disk. And that code should only work with the included disk. This is the reason for asking for an unopened copy.


a previous tower I have does have an internal 56k modem that would probably work, but the only person who would work on it has lousy luck with my computers.


the new system came with windows 7 64bit preinstalled with activation key sticker on the case, & will definitely contact them if it wont work once online

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