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How do I turn an NPC into a vampire?


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I've been looking through UESP for about half an hour now and I can't find any way to turn an NPC into a vamp. There aren't any console commands listed for it, so I don't know what to do.


Is there a mod anywhere that offers a spell to give someone PH, or to instantly turn them, or anything? Or is there some way do do it in the Construction Set? (I'm no good with the CS at all so I wouldn't know)


Thanks in advance for help

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I only know of one way to do it. Sure there are others but i learned this one just by playing the game.. I figure you might be one of the people who like to be the good guy.. because if you decide to be the bad guy..your bound to run across this. You have to join the dark brotherhood. The first guy you take contracts from also happens to be a vampire and after a few contracts completed he offers you the option to become one.


EDIT: just realized you are trying to turn an NPC into a vampire.. i thought you meant PC. Again i only know of one way and that is to load up the TES4 Construction Kit,find the Npc you wishto change and edit his race directly.

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There is a mod called The Cookie Jar by FandoMan. I don't know for sure, because I haven't tried it, but one of his ingredients has Vampirism as one of the effects. He also has corn on the cob that causes instant death, and cherry bombs. These are all food items, so I'm supposing they give the person who ingests them those effects. I did eat one of the corn ears and died on the spot, lol To affect NPCs you'd have to reverse pick pocket the item or leave it in their food supply.


There are mods which give you vampirism. Check the Mod Detectives forum under the General Mod Talk section I think. They will help you find mods. You can also get on the files section, go to advanced search and add in keywords such as "vampire," "PH" or anything that might lead you to those mods.


Hope that helps and good luck! :thumbsup:

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The way to do it in the CS is to add a pair of spells related to vampirism to them. I don't remember the exact EditorIDs, unfortunately, but if you can find the codes for them, in theory you could do (target).addspell (EditorID) to turn them vampiric.
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Console Command:

(Target).AddSpell Vampirism100


If you want their skills and attributes to reflect their vampirism as well:

(Target).AddSpell Vampirism100skills

(Target).AddSpell Vampirism100att


If you want them to be able to infect people as well:

(Target).AddSpell VampDisease

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I don't know of any ways other than directly changing their race... And then adding the effects. o.o


Ooh, that Spreading Vampirism mod looks interesting.

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  • 3 years later...

Console Command:

(Target).AddSpell Vampirism100


If you want their skills and attributes to reflect their vampirism as well:

(Target).AddSpell Vampirism100skills

(Target).AddSpell Vampirism100att


If you want them to be able to infect people as well:

(Target).AddSpell VampDisease

This doesn't work.

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