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How to fix "black screen" not really going "black"?


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Description of the expected behavior



Mods like "Dynamic Things", "Frostfall" and "Immersive beds" make use of the "screen going black" to represent certain actions your character is taking.


Dynamic Things: Chopping down the wood from the tree. (Screen goes black, you hear the sound of your character chopping the wood then screen comes bright again and a pile of wood is in front of you)


Frostfall: You lie on your bedroll... screen goes black... you choose for how long you'll sleep... at morning you see your character getting up


Immersive beds: Samething as frostfall, but with beds.



My problem



However, with me... the screen gets DARKER (but I can still see my character). With frostfall, for example, my character suddenly stands up on top of the bedroll before I select the time to sleep... with dynamic things, my character stays doing nothing while the sound of wood-chopping happen...


This sort of thing is minor...but it is still annoying.


I was wondering if anyone could provide me tips on what I could do to fix this in general.




Other important info



Immersive beds has a patch for users that have this sort of problem...the patch however involves changing camera positions. Forcing perspectives so you won't see your character standing up.






I was wondering if there isn't a work around to actually make the screen go black one and for all....


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