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Little oddities


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Odd things that happen. or glitch if you prefer. when in the library to get the scroll for the gray fox, i grabbed the scroll while still sitting and then couldn't stand up. If you want to see something funny after that glitch occurs, use the movetoqt cheat/codex and you will be sitting on the fireplace grate. You won't be able to do anything but sit there and get beat to heck and back but it is funny to look at, when viewed from above.


If you had experienced it and just gave up trying to use the cheat, all you have to do is once they put the scroll on the table stand up, grab the scroll then do the movetoqt cheat and you can then click on the grate to fall down the hole and escape.

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The weirdest glitch that I have ever come across was back when I was playing this game for the 360. And I call the glitch the Blue Ribbon of Death. This is why I call it that.


One Tirdas evening I was riding along that road past Fanacasecul (Aleid ruin near Weye) and all of a sudden I spotted this bright blue streak of color ( looked like a ribbon) swiftly flying down the road and so I hopped off my horse to see what the hell it was coming towards me and as soon as my feet hit the ground and my character turned to look a head, the "ribbon" slammed into me, killed me instantly, and sent me flying strait into the air for I dont know how far. Then I said.............WTF was that!!! Reloaded a save, went to the same spot and it never happened again.


Never will I probably know what the Ribbon of Death really was, but all I do know is that it was very weird and I will never forget it lol!!!!



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Odd things that happen. or glitch if you prefer. when in the library to get the scroll for the gray fox, i grabbed the scroll while still sitting and then couldn't stand up. If you want to see something funny after that glitch occurs, use the movetoqt cheat/codex and you will be sitting on the fireplace grate. You won't be able to do anything but sit there and get beat to heck and back but it is funny to look at, when viewed from above.


If you had experienced it and just gave up trying to use the cheat, all you have to do is once they put the scroll on the table stand up, grab the scroll then do the movetoqt cheat and you can then click on the grate to fall down the hole and escape.


had another odd one happen last night. as the gray fox, I started a brawl in the streets with a pack of guards as other theives guild members happened by, a regular donny-brook broke out. the odd part was after about 3 minutes into the mass fighting the surrounding landscape started getting into the action. fences started falling and intermingling with the dead and dying. There were also red ribbons floating about from one corpse to the next. after a quit and return to the area, all bodies were as they should be no landscape was then out of place. Was funny while it was happening and the sounds were a tad strange as well. tried it in imperial city, but didn't get the same results, seems it needs a more countryfied setting.

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The weirdest glitch that I have ever come across was back when I was playing this game for the 360. And I call the glitch the Blue Ribbon of Death. This is why I call it that.


One Tirdas evening I was riding along that road past Fanacasecul (Aleid ruin near Weye) and all of a sudden I spotted this bright blue streak of color ( looked like a ribbon) swiftly flying down the road and so I hopped off my horse to see what the hell it was coming towards me and as soon as my feet hit the ground and my character turned to look a head, the "ribbon" slammed into me, killed me instantly, and sent me flying strait into the air for I dont know how far. Then I said.............WTF was that!!! Reloaded a save, went to the same spot and it never happened again.


Never will I probably know what the Ribbon of Death really was, but all I do know is that it was very weird and I will never forget it lol!!!!




Interestingly enough, I saw it as well the other day. I was walking around near the Imperial Prison and as I was looking down into that valley, I saw this lightning-fast blue squiggly line fly across toward the city.

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The weirdest glitch I've ever experienced was when I was sitting down on a stool at some random camp, and then tried to mount my horse. It caused all kinds of freaky graphical glitches and I was able to view large parts of the world I wouldn't normally have been able to see. It was pretty cool.


Coming in second place would definitely be when I tried to install a mod that changes Oblivion's default shaders. It changed the ground tiles so that every square yard looked like a tiny map of all of Cyrodiil. I have to admit, it was fun being able to step on the Imperial City over and over again as I walked along :).

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BFG99, that is one interesting glitch, and I mean the second one. It seems that Maeruhnes Dagon is not the only one that likes to step on the Imperial City haha
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The blue ribbon of death is in fact the Mothership, bringing reinforcements to aid in my conquest of Nirn, I remember a pretty odd glitch where if you shot a flare at a hanging lamp, the chain would spaz and go all over the place.


Also happened with deer tails

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The blue ribbon of death is in fact the Mothership, bringing reinforcements to aid in my conquest of Nirn, I remember a pretty odd glitch where if you shot a flare at a hanging lamp, the chain would spaz and go all over the place.


Also happened with deer tails

that will also happen with the skulls that hang from the wall^^

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Another odd thing happened while I was in Aleswell. I was in that inn there, and this piece of meat suddenly falls from the ceiling. It appeared to actually be a container with the name "Secret, no lookie". Odd, that.


Also in Aleswell, or more like 'Aleswell', I had used the console command "COC Aleswell". Instead of bringing me to the place, I ended up in its dummy cell. Inside, there was total darkness, a giant statue, some barrels containing these Node items, a zombie labeled "trash can", and an invisible Imperial. The thing that stood out the most was this large bear trap called "Alzor's Merciless Maw". I've no idea what it's for, but it's freakin' awesome and I'm keeping it.

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