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Done literally everything I could think of, still CTD'ing. At wits end.


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No matter what I do, I CTD very frequently, usually every 20 or so minutes, usually less. I have Sheson's memory patch, I've tried reinstalling, cleaning my ESM's with TES Edit, using safety load, nothing works. http://i.imgur.com/AOhN33m.pngThat's my specs, and here's my load order. http://i.imgur.com/RjPC7nD.png

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This is just the game wanting more.....20 mins is not crashing often...many crash at 1 min....lol, But i agree that's a lot of crashes.


See the scroll bar in that PIC you posted ? well I cant move it down to see the rest of the load order..lol...so either increase the Program window size so all mods show , or post a real Load order.


You only have a 2 core processor and 4 GB of system RAM, When Windows is done taking its RAM that does not leave enough for the game. I guess it depends on the system but MY Win7 sits idle using 2.5 GB of system RAM, when i start the game i have 6 GB of RAM in use.


Windows and Skyrim are both pigs,,,they must be feed.....:)

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As stated above, your rig is at the very bottom of even being able to run the game. Yes, more RAM would probably help, however with that dual core Pentium processor, your still going to struggle. I didn't see your video card listed, I'm assuming you have integrated graphics as well? If so, that's going to slow you down too. Not trying to beat up on you, or your rig, I'm just saying...

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I played the game on a computer with a dual core 2.3 GHz processor and only 4GB of RAM and never had any issues on medium settings with at least five times the mods you have. I played the game on a dual core 1.8GHz processor with 3 GB RAM and Intel integrated graphics and had no issues on low settings with a good 30 mods. Your computer shouldn't be the issue here, it's something else. Running out of RAM shouldn't cause a crash anyway, it should just severely slow it down, because it will get swapped to the HDD memory allocation (unless it's Skyrim hitting it's RAM limit, that is). I have 340 mods installed, and rarely go above 5GB total use, out of all processes running on my computer.


Your system isn't the issue here.


I have all of those mods and more, excluding Moonstone Castle, but that shouldn't cause issues. A few things to try;


1) Start a new game. If it stops crashing, it's probably due to mods that you uninstalled whose scripts lingered around and wreaked havoc

2) Uninstall all your mods, and start a new game. If it still crashes, we know it's a problem with Skyrim, not your mods

3) Check to make sure your VRAM isn't running out of space for the game (I could give more detailed instructions if I knew your graphics card)

4)Verify integrity of game cache, via Steam. Be warned, if you have any installed mods (if you're using Mod Organizer, it shouldn't be a problem), it may remove them

5) If all those fail, and you still crash, let me know and I'll be happy to help

Edited by sgtmcbiscuits
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