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Vanilla Meshes


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Right now i am making a job mod for people with ships/boats. I do however need to access the vanilla meshes to get at the crate meshes(to act as cargo). can anyone point me in the right direction?


if someone does help me, look for my mod in a couple of weeks, maybe. :nuke:

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OBMM has a BSA browser where you can look at the meshes and extract necessary ones. That's all I know about it lol, never messed around too much in it.
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dont you have them? if you have oblivion, then you have th emeshes

toherwise, its ILLEGAL


Uh, it could just be the OP doesn't know where they are to be found in a legit Oblivion installation.


OP, you're looking for a file called Oblivion - Meshes.bsa in your Oblivion\Data directory. You can open it with Oblivion Mod Manager as Illiad suggested, or grab one of the utilities on this page: http://cs.elderscrolls.com/constwiki/index.php/Oblivion_Mods_FAQ#Essential_Mod_Tools (Scroll down to where it says "Resource Files and BSAs.")


Once you have it open you will need to browse around inside the file. There are TONS of meshes in there and a specific one can be hard to find sometimes.

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