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Entries of Cyrodiil: A Goblins journey


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Agent Keanu strikes again lol :woot:

..... Aboutz the datez ...... I gotta use a dating service.... ;D


Now seriously!

I'm interested where you lead us in your story keanumoreira.  What I really want to say is I'm eager to read on, because I have the feeling the fun is about to begin in your story and I would read more.

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Agent Keanu strikes again lol :woot:

..... Aboutz the datez ...... I gotta use a dating service.... ;D


Now seriously!

I'm interested where you lead us in your story keanumoreira.  What I really want to say is I'm eager to read on, because I have the feeling the fun is about to begin in your story and I would read more.




Thank you my friend, so much work as gone into this story, and of course a lot more is going into it. Appreciation here and there is a good refresher. :happy:


Until next time Agent Silver. :ninja:

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4:30 A.M, the 9th of Hearthfire, the year of Zenithar, Era four of 436


I felt my body spread out into a number of impossible directions, both brain and limb twisted, filling the essence with constant screams of agony as I was warped through the barrier between my realm and Oblivion’s. I could feel as an enticing numbness in my head spread its way across the surface of my conscious, blacking out as I reached the horizon of a universe hidden.


“Yori...Yori...” The voice seemed endless, sneaking its way around me as the nimble call gave way to a room white, empty of physics, empty of momentum, empty of soul...or so I thought.


The voice called to me again,




I turned to face it...




Was it invisible?




Was I losing my mind?


























“MOTHER!!!!” I gasped for air, looking around to a blurred world.


I rubbed my eyes, stretched out my back, and clutched the back of my throbbing head, looking down to my locket as it levitated just over my chest, glowing brightly golden as it gently returned to where it was fastened,


“I know mother...” I tightened my hand around it, peering up to red clouds above,


“I know...” Tears wetted my eye lids, my mind scrambled in confusion; a frightening reminder to the mission I was bound to.


“I shall not fail you...”




Another lingering sound perhaps?




No...This one was easy to spot.


I looked up in awe to the wicked gate, a twin to the one on the other side of the barrier where home was just an arm’s length away, but two things were preventing my trip back. The first one was a personal need; the second was something a little more physical.


As I reached out for the essence again, it rippled as our touch became one, burning my hand in the process,


“Damn! I knew it.” I cursed, turning around to face the lava invested plains that would soon witness my intrusion.


An indubitable truth dawned on me...This gate was flawed.


Normal Oblivion gates, the ones crafted expertly by the Daedric servants of Dagon, usually allow anything to pass through them in and out, but this one was like closing a locked door from your opposite end. The problem wasn’t entering, but leaving, a type of powerful magic that only reacts to its creator, commonly humans who play around with the Dark secrets only Gods should tamper with. The only way to escape was to find Gia, and that was going to become a very big problem.


Oblivion is one of the most dangerous realms to have ever been created; it is literally a hell to be fearful of. Not only is this place full of Demons and plants that can slap your teeth out, but magical storms, inanimate objects that have self awareness, and types of magical weapons and spells that can alter the laws of any realm it mixes with. Translation?


Not a master mage? You’re screwed...


Not a master swordsmen? You’re screwed...


Not a master of the dark? You’re screwed...


Being an unarmored, trapped, and unusual Goblin? I’m screwed...


As if that wasn’t enough to deal with, the only way to close an Oblivion gate is to remove its Sigil stone, a type of stone that anchors the gate in place. However, removing the Stone while Gia is the anchor will do nothing but toast me into ash, but of all the places where she could be, this was my best bet to finding her.


The journey seemed so treacherous, so fruitless...


Childs play to what was to come...




(Ignore the sword. :laugh: )

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Great Keanu, the way to describe the awakening. I'm still wondering what this "personal need" is...

You are no master at..... oh what a funny idea, let me think a moment of it.............Ok. done! You're screwed.

Made me :laugh: because I know the ticket at the end already, but it is still funny to me every time. Thank you.

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Great Keanu, the way to describe the awakening. I'm still wondering what this "personal need" is...

You are no master at..... oh what a funny idea, let me think a moment of it.............Ok. done! You're screwed.

Made me :laugh: because I know the ticket at the end already, but it is still funny to me every time. Thank you.


Thank you for the positive feedback Silver; It makes me happy to know that you've been reading my work; I appreciate it. :happy:


The personal need Yori seeks, although I won't spoil/ reveal it just yet, is one of the main reasons why he went inside the gate that day. Next chapter is obviously going to be on oblivion, and I have a little twist I'm thinking of adding. I've just got to perfect it...

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Not a master mage? You’re screwed...


Not a master swordsmen? You’re screwed...


Not a master of the dark? You’re screwed...


Being an unarmored, trapped, and unusual Goblin? I’m screwed...




lol...I like the notion of overwhelming odds, and the impending sense that victory is not always easy.

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Not a master mage? You’re screwed...


Not a master swordsmen? You’re screwed...


Not a master of the dark? You’re screwed...


Being an unarmored, trapped, and unusual Goblin? I’m screwed...




lol...I like the notion of overwhelming odds, and the impending sense that victory is not always easy.


Especially for little Yori. :laugh:

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  • 2 weeks later...

4:40 A.M, the 9th of Hearthfire, the year of Zenithar, Era four of 436


Here I am again...another mess...another challenge.


Mother has spoken to me before, but never like this. Lately she appears to have become more restless, more determined to see my life blossom; but I can’t help fulfill the promise I gave her. She has always disapproved of my constant departures from the clan, her instinct to mother certainly hasn’t died with her, but she was always overstepping it, always being overly dramatic, and now I’m coming to regret it. Why the hell did I not heed her guidance when I still had the chance, when I wasn’t trapped in this no man’s land?


It is so very alien to me, like...like a nightmare; the books were far from accurate. Oblivion is nothing as depicted in those scriptures; its red clouds, swirling lava, and toasted gravel are innocent fairytales until exchanges are met; something I wish I could have avoided. Mother is encouraging me now, and no matter how hard I resist her push, I know that I must press on, I can’t return to Cyrodiil, and as much as I try to convince her; the stubborn Goblin just won’t listen. It’s harder to ignore her pleas for retreat, but Gia must be found, that Sigil stone must be found...…


I have to get out of here...


Thinking was a good way to plan through situations such as this, but mother’s threat of eavesdropping, and no doubt she had been on my every thought leading to this point; persuaded me to take careless action. It was time to find the Sigil tower.


That would be nothing more than an investigation since the Sigil tower was the tallest thing from the waypoint of the entering gate, usually accompanied by two others that serve as a defensive opposition to the invader. However, this tower was nowhere to be seen; it was hidden.


“They’ve upgraded since the last invasion...” It seemed like a reasonable conclusion.


Why wouldn’t they?


“I guess I better get started...”


I wandered around the planes as if in exile, finding little evidence of a concealed conduit to the tower, until I happened to glimpse at something glimmering out of the corner of my eye. There it was, the Sigil tower, but not what I had expected. As I came closer, I could see why this area wasn’t invested with patrolling Daedra.


“I don’t believe this! It’s surrounded by lava! How am I going to cross this?” I had no spell for parting or in anyway, manipulating lava. There had to be another way.


“RAHHHHHH!!!” I almost leaped out of my body as the scratchy scream ambushed me, ducking as an iron flail nearly impacted my skull.


It was a Daedric Dremora, humanlike Daedra who serve Mehrunes Dagon personally.


“You are not welcome here mortal!” He took another swing, frustrated as he struck a boulder, using a telekinesis spell in an attempt to impale me with the jagged shards of broken rock.


With nothing to defend myself with, I had no choice but to run in a random direction, hoping that wherever I was running to would yield no dead ends.


“Come back here MORTAL!”


I felt the cold nip of a frost spell as it raced ahead of me, causing me to lose my balance as it froze a section of the ground. Flat on my back, I rolled to my left as the flail came around again, and again, and again, missing each time, but getting closer, throwing up permafrost into the air.


“Hold still you green trash!”


He swung yet again, struggling against the weight of my arm as I forced his hand, throwing him aside and bailing back into the Oblivion Wilderness. But there was nowhere to run...


I was trapped.


The Dremora limped forward in agony, puffing excitedly as he clutched his broken leg.


“ARGGHHH!!!! You foolish mortal!” He dragged the flail as his hand lit up in an electric glow, “Your soul is forfeit!” He threw the electric blast to my feet, forcing me to jump from foot to foot after one close call from another.


“HA HA HA! Dance mortal DANCE!” But no matter how long I avoided the lighting strikes, they just kept coming and coming; it was clear that this Dremora was a master with magica.


Eventually, I tripped on one of my two feet, conducting a heavy dose of electricity. My vision blurred as I stumbled about dazedly, shrieking as a green mist afflicted my eyes, causing them to burn dreadfully.


“What’s wrong mortal? You’ve never tasted a Spiddal Stick before?” I tumbled backwards as my legs locked, blaring into the planes as I was repeatedly whipped by a Herranda plant, bleeding profusely onto the dark soil. The last thing I remembered was a dark hand hovering over me, “Gia could have some fun with you...” And as he dragged my unresponsive body, as the world dimmed and deafened around me, my mission seemed even more impossible. But irony had a way of mixing it up on me.


Wake up...That voice…

Wake up... Soothing…

Wake up...Familiar…


“WAKE UP! GAH!!!!” My eyes lifted as the gentle call gave me to the Dremoras hovering above my numbed body, holding a nervous examination knife in his left hand.


“Did the mortal enjoy his slumber?” That’s when I realized that we weren’t outside; we were in some kind of observation room.


“We’re...inside the sigil tower...” My reaction was pitiful.


Acrobatic groups of gaseous bubbles danced in the air wildly, and my head felt like it was spinning from the inside. They had drugged me, with what and with whom, I couldn’t say.


“You’re...you’re the...” I lifted my arm to reach out for his robe, only for it to be pushed away, sinking back to my side heavily as fatigue had overcome it.


“GAH! Don’t touch me you filth! Let’s just get this over with before I have to vomit from your wretched stench.” He dug the knife directly into one of my arms, twisting it and forcing it deeper, tearing out large amounts of flesh.


“Heh...heh...heh...That tickles...” I said in a stupefied state, unaware that the immense damage being done was anything but.


And that’s when I got the shock of my life.


“GAH! What is this sorcery?” The Dremora stepped back horrified, as if he had seen some sort of entity.


I looked down to my chest and then to my entire body that I view, to find it engulfed in some sort transparent, sticky liquid. This sudden release of heightened senses struck me like a kick to the groin, feeling the full extent of my injury. But I didn’t express it, instead, it enraged me. This indulging, pulling force lathered onto me in a way so indescribable that only one explanation comes to mind...


What was mother doing now?


The Dremora fell back as I pulled the steel straps imprisoning me apart, throwing himself to the floor as the table was flung across the room, exploding in a mess of bent metal. I approached him slowly, hungrily, my muscles aching for a beating. He crawled back, but not scared; pride still masked him that day.


I clutched his dark robe, ripped it from his body, and showed him the window, listening to his cries of cursing and revenge. I knew that I hadn’t killed him; Daedra can’t die, they always return from death which is why they are innumerable. But I had gotten rid of him. For the time being.


After realizing what I had done, my rage dissipated as if it never happened, trying to keep myself still as the room spun around me.


“What was that noise?” The sound streamed from behind the door as footsteps took their place.


With no supernatural assistance coming anytime soon, I looked around the room and then down to my necklace.


“Mother...” I looked up as the knob twisted, “What have you done now?”



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