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ESM Conversion - Quest Failing Need Help!


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so I tried converting my mod into an esm and I ran into a snag. Just to clear it up, I know how to convert as I have done it before without issue.


I play through my quest before conversion and everything works, it launches properly and the reference alias' all launch without a hitch. After conversion however the last two missions don't launch at all, it acts as though the alias' don't fill can someone help...


P.S. I looked in CK and everything is setup properly.


*Edit: should I re-create my SEQ as an esm? also I use TesVEdit to convert.

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When you did the conversion did you keep the same filename or did you change it from .esp to .esm? If you changed it, did you remember to rename the folder containing your dialogue files?


There should be no need to regenerate the .seq file but that can't hurt to try if nothing else is working.

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yes, I changed all the file extensions properly. I should have clarified, my issue is that once the conversion is finished the last 2 quests in the story don't launch. Its as if an alias fails to fill which doesn't make sense as when it was an esp everything filled properly.


*Edit: even when attempting to launch the quest by console command setstage nothing happens.

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