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Question about OBSE: Unarmed


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I'm creating a little mod to:


- Hide the Health/Magicka/Fatigue bars when thay are at max.


- Hide the weapon and magic icon: they are visible only when: in combat, with weapon out or when casting a spell. When no one of these conditions exist, after 5 seconds the script hide them.


- Hide the durability bar (from DarNified UI) when you are unarmed or when your weapon has max health (Normally 100%, with 75+ armorer skill 125%)


- Create a new HUD bar to show the current charge of the enchanted weapon (Only visible if you have equipped one)



The problem is:

I want to hide the durability and charge bar when the Player is unarmed (Hand to hand style in other words), but I don't know how:

Basically, i need to know if the player is unarmed. Can somebody help me?

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I have no knowledge of OBSE scripting, but here is a command reference. It appears that you have access to functions such as:


GetEquipmentSlot - returns the equipment slot of the object

IsWeapon - returns whether the object is a weapon


That must give you some ideas.

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GetEquipmentSlot ==> "Hand to Hand" isn't an object, it hasn't any ID, so also "IsWeapon" became useless


IsWeaponOut ==> returns if the "reference" has sheated or unsheated his weapon (or fists), i don't think it returns if the player is using the fists.

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GetEquipmentSlot ==> "Hand to Hand" isn't an object, it hasn't any ID, so also "IsWeapon" became useless


IsWeaponOut ==> returns if the "reference" has sheated or unsheated his weapon (or fists), i don't think it returns if the player is using the fists.


From the reference:


Types with this quality can be equipped by a character.


Slot - short the equipment slot of the object


GetEquipmentSlot - returns the equipment slot of the object

slot:short reference.GetEquipmentSlot objectID:ref

EquipMe - when called on an object in an actor's inventory, attempts to equip the object on the actor and runs the object's OnEquip script block if applicable.

(nothing) ref.EquipMe


From slot:short link:

Equipment Slot IDs

4: hand


Return values only


It appears if you have to detect whether the actor is holding a weapon in the hand slot.

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Trust me IsWeaponOut returns true if you use hand to hand.

I'm already using this function in the script. It return 1 if i'm ready to fight, also with a weapon (not only fists) and return 0 in any other case (also with weapon equipped but sheated).

I need the function to detect if the player has no weapon equipped.




Please, can you make write 2-3 line of script to show me your idea?

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Please, can you make write 2-3 line of script to show me your idea?


Ok, like I said, I'm not a scripter, even less with OBSE, so these are musings.


As I understand things the short ID for weapon is 16 and (GOV) weapon type is 103, so:


ref weapon

set weapon to player.GetEquippedObject 16


Will return 0 if no weapon equipped



If you wanted to check what type of weapon is equipped:


short type

begin OnEquip

set type to GetObjectValue 103




Type codes for weapons (103):

0: Blade1H

1: Blade2H

2: Blunt1H

3: Blunt2H

4: Staff

5: Bow


Does this ignite the spark?

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Thanks, it works!


This is what I've done


ref weapEquip

Set weapEquip to GetEquippedObject 16


If weapEquip == 0 ; no reference = no weapon equipped (This is what i've missed)

- - - - -


- - - - -




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Thanks, it works!


This is what I've done


ref weapEquip

Set weapEquip to GetEquippedObject 16


If weapEquip == 0 ; no reference = no weapon equipped (This is what i've missed)

- - - - -


- - - - -





Sweet! Maybe I should delve into scripting more.


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