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Mods that finish the main quest for you?


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I've been looking around the different modding sites and I have not been able to find what I'm looking for. I was wondering if anyone knows of any oblivion mod that effectively finishes the main quest for you. There are a lot of mods out there that require you to finish the main quest and I would like to test them more effectively in game, but I don't want to fool with going through the main quest to test them. I want to know if there is a mod that sets all of the main quest stages to completion, removes and adds the various people, places and objects accordingly, and wraps up all of the loose ends to make it look like the game is finished naturally without the bad buggy stuff that would come from the console. I know that there are mods that allow you to delay the main quest and i am not referring to those. And I am also not referring to saved games, I want to be able to create my own unique character with the main quest completed.


If anyone knows of such a mod that would be great. (If no such mod exists then it would be a cool one for someone to make. Especially if you make it to where some npc finishes it instead of the actual player.)

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