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2 (simple i guess) requests


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hey there!


as the title says, i got a few requests.


1. something that gives you the Explorer-perk. maybe a map? a holodisc, hidden somewhere... or maybe found on a terminal?



as a big fan of resident evil and fan of a man, who never got as much respect as he deserved:


2. BARRY BURTON's outfit!




maybe you could use the merc grunt outfit and make a unique version of it...?



well, i hope someone will do it! :D



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Not a big fan of the 'outfits' like the merc and raider stuff, I only use it early in the game, I prefer power armor variants. Still the outfit looks pretty cool. I'm not a modder so I can't help you, just posting my opinion.


The idea with the Explorer Perk is cool aswell. Maybe you could have various maps that reveal locations like "North West Wasteland Map" or "DC Ruins Map". Just an idea.


I think it is possible to find a map on a dead slave in a metro station that reveals the location of one place so that could be something to work off of.

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Hey just gonna post a little reply to the Explorer perk.

Instead of doing that just type in console "tmm 1"


The perk request is really simple and just needs a tiny bit of scripting but personally if I was that bothered I'd just use the console =)

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alright, i worked a little bit on the outfit...


what do you think about my first retex? ^^










but still need the vest... :/

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alright, worked a bit on it... a little paint here, a little there... BUT STILL NEED THE VEST! come on, can noone do it? ;(


here are the new screens...


removed the black stripes on the sides...




recolored the belt...



and the boots!





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