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The Tea Party



28 members have voted

  1. 1. Is The Tea Party Movement Dangerous

    • No, they are a vocal minority with an inordinate amount of media attention.
    • No, they gain more members every day, but are good for the country.
    • Yes, they are a symptom of American ignorance, and a danger to America.

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There is no 'if' about it, Vagrant. Their agenda is there for all to see, unlike the Democratic Party and all of the ties to Acorn, AIG, Communists and Socialist radicals from the 1960's, Black Power Marxists. etc.


You see, the Tea Party WANTS people to look into them and their 'evil agenda' to put America BACK in the hands of the People. They have the crazy notion that elected officials should represent their interests in Washington, not represent Washington's interests to them.

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I don't see any more neutral option up there...


I mean, I'm not certain that I agree with the Tea Party, but I know that some of their leaders are people that I detest. I mean... It seems that they have the basic principles correct, and are simply exercising their rights to free speech.


There are certainly bad things that happen in their name, but I don't really think that those are people supported by the Tea Party. They're simply people who identify with the party and are significantly more radical.


Just like there are violent Marxists and non-violent Marxists. Just like there's militant Islam, and Islam at large. There are bad apples in every bushel, it shouldn't be shocking that there are some in the Tea Party as well.

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I see the word "Socialist" thrown around a lot. I am wondering what it means, at least to those who like to use the word with negative connotations.


7. Repeal the health care legislation passed on March 23, 2010: Defund, repeal and replace the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.

How are any of those any different from medicare? Last I checked, the Federal government spent more on Medicare and Medicaid than on National Defense.





As a side note, it seems from the Poll Questions asked here the intent of this thread is to discredit the Tea Party movement without leaving any room for positive feedback or an opposing view. That basically makes this a hate/bash thread against the Tea Party and most likey anyone who doesn't have Socialist Progressive or Liberal leanings. That's not much of a debate.

I put two nos and one yes. I also thought that I had implied my own progressive/liberal bias in the first post, but I admitted that most of what I knew about the tea party is from either sensationalist media(who are more interested in ratings than information), or from websites that like to caption pictures of cats in amusing positions. My own grandmother wanted me to work for them, for no other reason than their stance illegal immigration.


So, Vagrant, what do you think of this? This is hate speech, but it went unpunished.

There are plenty of white hate groups that advocate violence against blacks. Look at it this way, if they send him to jail he becomes a martyr. If the man in that video or someone claiming to be associated with him actually commit an act of violence against a white person, then the public would cry for their blood.


Just judging solely by their ads, they seem to want to impeach Obama because he got elected. Do they even have any other goals?

They also seem to focus on the fact that his father was a Muslim from Kenya, and that he allegedly wasn't born here. If I have on criticism towards him, it's him gping back on his word on withdrawing from Afghanistan. According to This Website, we have spent nearly $300 Billion in Afghanistan. Afghanistan has a population of about 30 million. The per capita income of Afghanistan is $500. Wouldn't it be cheaper to give every Afghan $900 a year reparation money? Al Qaeda wouldn't have too many supporters if we paid the population nearly twice their annual salary every year.


Reich Führer Obama should be concerned.

Congratulations on breaking Godwin's law.

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Read the 'Manifesto of the Communist Party' by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. Read Hitler's 'Mein Kampf'. That is why Socialism has a huge stink on it.


There isn't any viable form of Socialism-lite. Mitterand's France and the Keynesian downturn proved that. And NO, Canada and Western European Countries don't qualify because they rely on external markets and a global economy to sustain their own economies, so don't bother with that tact. Greece's crash and the IMF bailout proved that. It takes blood in the streets for Socialism to be fully functional, either in the global aspect of Communism or the Nationalist realm of Fascism.


The 'evil Tea Party people' that liberal bloggers and media fear and loathe are the antithesis of what Cass Sunstein, Van Jones, Bill Ayers, and Obama pander as 'the truth in politics' when in fact it is all Socialist smoke and mirrors. Break the backs of the Imperialist dogs and their free economy and the rest will fall into place. That is straight out of Marx's playbook.


And Godwin's Law only comes into play when guys like me have the guts to point out when Leftists slip and blurt their ideology on internet forums. If the jackboot fits, wear it.

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What leads you to believe that Obama plans to make America into a communistic/Nazi style country (Unless I misread something..)? Last time I saw the Constitution, neither the POTUS nor anyone else in the country has that kind of power. Only thing that Obama can do is to propose a bill and send it through the legislature.
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It would be nice if the government of the US wasn't so much of Red vs. Blue, but that doesn't seem to be their goal. From what I see, all they want is more power.


Yep. Like the SEC can now ignore external inquiries. They don't have to respond if they don't want to and THEY control our finances. Like the President and Congress now control internet access and ALL type 2 and 3 broad band. They have the means to control information and communication. That means the government controls EVERYTHING. There was a power grab hidden in the 10,000 plus pages of both the finacial reform and heathcare bills that congress didn't bother to read before voting on them.


From what I see, all they wanted was more power...and they now have it.


The Tea Party is the stand alone voice against all of this because the Republicans and Democrats in office let it all happen. Anyone can see from the poll results that incumbents and career politicians are being kicked out of office on a regular basis. The Tea Party (mostly Independent voters) are NOT Republicans, though a few Republicans are now scrambling to them to save their seats this November. Tea Party members are middle-of-the-road people who want their organic rights protected FROM the government, which is what the Constitution is all about.


One way to stop the Tea Party is to vilify them. Call them RACISTS. The handful of documented cases of racism in the Tea Party have been dealt with BY THE TEA PARTY. One franchise was ejected from the party for their rascist comments and there is documented PROOF that individual Tea Party members have ejected racists from their political rallies. Racists are not welcomed, despite what the Obama-loving mainstream press would have people think.


So let's review, the SEC doesn't have to answer any questions about what they are doing with OUR money. The government now controls our means of obtaining information and our means of communication. The Tea Party has been identified as 'the evil enemy'. Justice Sotomayor and other Liberal members of the Supreme Court recently stated that U.S. citizens have no vested interest in owning firearms, so I guess taking away the right for us to defend ourselves is next.


Does any of this sound familiar? That is what leads me to believe Obama plans to make America into a communistic/Nazi style country (your words, not mine) and that is why the Tea Party has the momentum it does.

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They have the methods to take away some things in small amounts, but by no means can anyone change the form of government by themselves. Nobody could just make themselves High Supreme Dictator For-life and make America a dictatorship.
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They have the methods to take away some things in small amounts, but by no means can anyone change the form of government by themselves. Nobody could just make themselves High Supreme Dictator For-life and make America a dictatorship.


Aha! And who told them they could take anything? Who told them they could ignore the Constitution? THAT is what the Tea Party wants to stop. You can't eat an elephant in one bite, it has to be nibbled at. Keep nibbling and one day the elephant is gone. Once the people are no longer protected by the Constitution there is nothing to stop the government from doing as it pleases.


Why do you think the nibbles are hidden in things like 10,000 pages of health and finacial reform bills? Listen, they control the finances and the media now. IF the right to bear arms were to be removed there would be NOTHING to stop the government. We could vote, they could ignore the ballots and we would have no means to do anything about it.


The two party system in the U.S. is in a quagmire of center-left, Social Justice thinking. The Tea Party has drawn a lot of attention to this fact and what they want is laid out in the Constitution, a Representative Republic where We the People control the country and the government works for us, not the other way around.

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