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I really hope there's a SUPERSECRETFRIDAYUPDATE tomorrow. We missed one last week, and I hope we don't miss another.


Also, Notch is talking to Valve. It's probably about selling the game on Steam. I don't know what this will mean for use Alpha players though. I hope he doesn't forget about us.

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NOOOO! Not Steam! Please not Steam! The present distribution method is fine!


Although if Valve decided to take over the project with Notch in command, I'd love to see what they turn out. Imagine the awesomeness of Portal and the awesomeness of Minecraft.

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I think, somewhere, Notch said that if he did decide to team up with Valve, it would still be pretty much just him making it, with a few helping hands at Valve making sure updates are out on time and doing bug fixes.


I don't really mind much, as long as the people who bought it during the Alpha stages still get updates and priority over the Steam buyers.

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In other news, lava is really annoying to remove. I had about 7 lava flows in a cave I'm building (What else can you build with TNT?), and then decided they had to go because they'd grown out of control. So I just climbed to the top of them and pulled out the cap. And the lava beneath it stays put. Bloody physics...


I ended up carting in water and just dumping that onto it.

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Aw. I just blew up my house with my first block of TNT. Accidentally placed it inside, and it was triggered by the pressure plate I put in front of the door, which I stepped on when I wanted to go outside. :P
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Built this yesterday, on a multiplayer server. Theres more screens on my photobucket, Im just too lazy to put em up :3

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