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Dang, you people now got me started on this game. It's addictive. Here's the mountain lair I've built.


http://i1023.photobucket.com/albums/af356/ub3rman123/Mine1.jpg?t=1281404929 I like waterfalls and glass.


http://i1023.photobucket.com/albums/af356/ub3rman123/Mine3.jpg?t=1281404929 There's around 7 or 8 entrances to the place, and they've all got a waterfall over them. I'm operating under the assumption that zombies can't swim through these. They've also all got wooden doors.


http://i1023.photobucket.com/albums/af356/ub3rman123/Mine4.jpg?t=1281404929 A picture of some of the inside.


http://i1023.photobucket.com/albums/af356/ub3rman123/Mine9.jpg?t=1281405159 I liked the resemblance to Fallingwater.


http://i1023.photobucket.com/albums/af356/ub3rman123/Mine5.jpg?t=1281404929 This is the glass cube built on top of the mountain. Awesome view from there. There's a ladder to get down, but a quicker way is to climb into the pool over there and swim down the waterfall.


http://i1023.photobucket.com/albums/af356/ub3rman123/Minecraft2.jpg?t=1281404930 A shot of the exterior. You can see the glass platform I built outside of it. Was a devil to build. I had to make scaffolding out of dirt to reach up there.


http://i1023.photobucket.com/albums/af356/ub3rman123/Mine8.jpg?t=1281404931 It's really hard to lose the location of the place, even from opposite sides of the map (I haven't actually gone that far in fear of losing the place).


http://i1023.photobucket.com/albums/af356/ub3rman123/Mine7.jpg?t=1281404931 Here's a picture from the platform. Really nice view. I don't think any monsters can even get up there.


http://i1023.photobucket.com/albums/af356/ub3rman123/Mine6.jpg?t=1281404931 There's the sand quarry I had to build on the beach to make all that glass. Several times I stumbled into a natural cave while digging through it.



Well, now I don't think I'll ever have the heart to play this game again. I lost a huge haul of iron and about 10 diamonds from a long excavation trip to that lava fall on the mountainside (It melted through the ceiling and I died trying to stem the flow). Also, I have to play on peaceful difficulty. I try turning on enemies occasionally because there's no other way to get gunpowder, but I keep getting turned into a pincushion by skeletons.

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@ Pyrosocial, yeah I have Fraps. I'll record some of my gameplay if I can get rid of the lag spikes I keep getting (overheating). I think I've nearly solved it. I'll capture my mob drowning machine and hopefully my cacti trap. Although recently nothings been spawning near them.


@Uberman, When that happens I usually start a new save. Although, if you want the best defence from skeletons, get yourself a bow. It's perfect for taking a creature out from far away.

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I made a boat =D if you guys are on classic multiplayer come to Xikkub build+ lava survival, thats where i op at.














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That's pretty sweet. :thumbsup: I can see a griefer ruining that in seconds though. :tongue:



Oh, and Uberman, I forgot to look at your pictures. That lair is awesome. Did you use an inventory editor for that, or did you do it all yourself?

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Well, now I don't think I'll ever have the heart to play this game again. I lost a huge haul of iron and about 10 diamonds from a long excavation trip to that lava fall on the mountainside (It melted through the ceiling and I died trying to stem the flow).

Which is why you should try to make all of the walls of a building decidedly different from places where you are expanding, and be doubly careful with lava.


Also, I have to play on peaceful difficulty. I try turning on enemies occasionally because there's no other way to get gunpowder, but I keep getting turned into a pincushion by skeletons.

Build some kill traps and wall off and light the areas you want to work on at night. I've noticed that things tend to spawn in the same basic places, so building a 3x3x3 pit with a cactus in the center, or just tossing some torches in those spots seems to do the trick.

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I still can't figure out how to protect the house with a cactus. If I built cactii into the walkways, then I'd have no way into the house myself.


The lava problem seemed to have been caused by some glitch. I managed to plug up where the lava came through, but the rest of it just sat on the floor, so I had to replace each lava spot with another block. And managed to get stuck inside the lava. Then my items melted. :sad: The reasoning behind building so close to the walls outside the mountain? I'm a sucker for huge glass windows. By the way, are glass blocks vulnerable to monsters?

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The only way to protect your house with a cactus would be to just build a monster trap using cactii, and protect your house using a door as usual. Either that, or build a wall out of cactii, and leave a doorway perhaps? I dunno how it would work.


As for the lava staying on the floor afterwards... the fluid mechanics in minecraft are very, very, very odd. Take a look at my attempt to build a moat round my tower:




So I can well imagine it sitting around in mounds on the floor. You could probably scoop it up with a bucket.


Getting stuck inside it probably shouldn't happen though. Theres a known bug at the moment where you stop being able to move, and if you build a block on the spot where you're standing, you can get stuck in it - presumably the same counts for falling fluids too. If you find yourself unable to move, or if the game starts stuttering violently, save and quit immediately, then load it up again. That'll fix it. If you get stuck in a block, you'll just have to kill yourself using NBTEdit - unless you get stuck in lava ofc, which does the job for you.


Also, heres some more pictures of my tower. It's nothing special, but I'm quite proud of it:










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That's nothing special? Wow, I thought I spent a load of time on mine, and that I just built out of a hillside.


What'd you do on the inside of it, a spiral staircase? And where did you get enough diamonds for the luxury of a diamond pickaxe?

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I used an inventory editor to get all the tools and materials needed, hence the diamond pickaxe, and the obsidian roof.


I built nice big normal stairs inside the square bit, which I was very pleased with (though they're too big), and sort of curved stair things in the actual tower. It's too small for proper stairs, and its not circular, so making curved ones is a pain. I ended up basically just sticking blocks to the wall for me to jump up, its the closest I could get.


And I say its nothing special, because I've just been reading threads like this one. Its slightly scary how much effort some people put into their creations...

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