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A qeustion concerning collision and linking weapons to armor


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Is there a way to make a model that has the textures represented correctly--that is to say, it looks the way it should--but with collision on part of the model missing? This could be used to make melee weapons more interesting--the sword goes through the raider, for example.


Also, is there a way to link a weapon to an armor or vice versa?

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Is there a way to make a model that has the textures represented correctly--that is to say, it looks the way it should--but with collision on part of the model missing? This could be used to make melee weapons more interesting--the sword goes through the raider, for example.


yeah. isn't there a reach parameter for melee weapons? i havn't played with it. but that is what i expect controls that. if it is truly the weapons meshes collision that is used to test whether the weapon makes contact,( i don't think it is) then yeah you can ,make collision shapes any size you want.


Also, is there a way to link a weapon to an armor or vice versa?

weapons like the minigun add an armor piece when you equip it

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