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Diary entry 4. I have lost track of the date again.


So again I am sitting around a campfire, sporting new bruises, cuts and magika burns. Since my last entry I joined the stormcloaks in an ambush on an imperial patrol (mainly because I had no choice). We hunkered down by some boulders by the road, quietly waiting until we heard the sounds of brisk marching. Except they weren't actually marching. They were sprinting. In a rout. The stormcloaks were so jacked up on bad mead and blood lust that they didn't notice how banged up the imperials were and jumped right on top of them stabbing, hacking and slashing. Then a whole horde of forsworn that were chasing the imperials rounded the bend throwing bolts of fire, frost and shock. The rear stormcloaks got blasted instantly and the remaining stormcloaks and imperials were hacked to pieces. The only thing that saved me was my dragon skin and a hastily erected ward.


Then the leader of the forsworn, some scary man with a pine cone sticking out of his chest lifted me to my feet and said something about "chosen one" and then all the rest of the savages started bowing to me!


So now I am sitting around a campfire with these f*#@ing psychos, wearing rotting skins and feathers and sticks that are poking into my private parts and the forsworn are feeding me these herbal teas and telling me I am going to be "honored by the mother" and all this other horker s#*!. My head is swimming, and I am feeling all hot and I can hardly write and now, oh Arkay, I am getting a huge boner and getting really horny, wtf? Ahh, gotta go!

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Diary entry 5. Date - I don't really care.


Oh gods and daedra, I don't know where to start. I am sitting in the Silverblood inn, trying my damnedest to get drunk and trying to write in my journal but for the love of Arkay I can't stop my hand from shaking. The past few days have been the most horrific I have spent so far in Skyrim. I'm not sure I can even write this but I have to get this off my chest.


When I last wrote I was sitting around a campfire, drugged and half-naked surrounded by cavorting Forsworn savages, after being captured by them in a raid gone wrong. They told me I was the "Chosen one" and a "guest" who would be "honored by the mother". They gave me several types of sedatives and then a really strong aphrodisiac and when I got all randy the forsworn women started to fondle me. I thought, ... oh GODS!, I thought it was some kind of ritualistic orgy, but then they led me into a tent covered in animals skulls, and they made me.... HAVE SEX WITH THE HARGRAVEN WAITING INSIDE!!!


Arkay! Please kill me!!!! Being eaten by frost trolls or draugr would have been a kinder fate. I just can't get that twisted grinning face with the hawk-nose and foul breath in my face as they held me down, out of my head!


Dammit, Cosnach was reading over my shoulder and is now telling the whole inn - I am now the laughing stock of Markarth. The hargraven affair was bad enough without everyone knowing about it!


When I came to I was tied to a stake dressed in a few rags and covered in scratches and feathers. I tried my best to conjure a bound sword but in that state all I could manage was a steak knife. At least it was sharp enough and I managed to escape into the reach whilst the hargraven was engaged in some ritual with the forsworn. It was at least 3 days of clambering across stones and hills with no food and only water from streams until I came to a cliff overlooking Markarth. If it hadn't been for my dragonskin and a huge pile of horse s#*! I would have broken my neck sliding down the cliff to get to the front gate.


Once I was inside some idiot started yelling about the forsworn and I had forgotten that I was still dressed in those barbarian's furs and the guards grabbed me while some poor lady got her throat cut. They assumed I was somehow involved in the attack and chucked me into Cidhna mine!


So, then I was a prisoner again, but as soon as I was in the mine the prisoners took me straight to the king in rags. He looked me up and down and mentioned the words "chosen one" and I just f*#@ing lost it. I grabbed the nearest pick axe and buried it in his skull and then grabbed his keys and took off through the mine ruins before his men could grab me. I was beserk by that stage, and I think I ran past several frost-bite spiders and dwarven constructs, which ended up killing the other prisoners instead. I managed to get out of the mine and who was waiting for me when I came out? That silverblood prick! He thanked me for doing Markarth a service and then gave me a silver ring which improved my blacksmithing skill by 1%!! Asshole!!


So now I am sitting in in the tavern, with everyone laughing at me, after this horrible ordeal I've just had. The inn owner's wife has at least felt sorry for me and has offered me a free room an board for tonight. Oh Gods, now the patrons are asking me to regale them with tales of my adventures in exchange for ale. "Chosen one! Chosen one!" they are chanting. Oh well, can't beat em so may as well join em.


Vianto, The Chosen one

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Diary entry 5. Date - near the end of Frostfall, it's bloody cold!


So here I sit in the winking skeever. Since I last wrote I have become somewhat famous in Markarth. In a court jester kind of way. So humiliating! Anyway, I managed to make some money out of telling my hargraven story and selling silver rings enchanted with 1% blacksmithing skill (I'd stashed some silver bars in the mine ruins and calcelmo let me use his ennchanting taxable as I was "an amusing diversion from his important work". Officious prick.


So due to my celebrity status I was able to flog the rings for more than they were worth through Arnlief and sons and I was able to kit myself out with some more adventuring gear, the idea being to get back to High Rock. It was going pretty well until the shop was closed by the city watch after the owner was caught smuggling human body parts into the store. Then a full investigation was launched and they discovered my scam with the rings and I was fined a heap of septims - apparently selling enchanted jewelry with anything less than a 5% skill enchantment is considered fraud. So I was banned from Markarth.


I had enough money for a cart ride to Solitude and Cosnach accompanied me because "I am a good laugh". Asshole. So anyway, now I am here in the winking skeever, tired, cold, hungry and severely constipated because I refused to get off the cart for fear of being caught with my pants down by the forsworn. We did actually encounter 3 forsworn hunters on the road but Cosnach, as drunk as he was, jumped off the cart laughing hysterically yelling "you don't f*#@ with the chosen one" and hacked them to bits. I tried to contribute by firing sparks at them but I was so stressed that all I managed was one big spark of static which got the cart horse in the ass and he ran a mile before the driver got control and Cosnach had to run to catch up. He was still laughing. Bastard.


Dammit, Cosnach is now telling the Hargraven story to the patrons and they are all staring at me! I'm outta here!

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Diary entry 7. A few days later


Yes, I realize that the past 2 entries were numbered number 5. Give me a break, I have been through a lot lately. I also realize that I wrote enchanting table as "enchanting taxable" in the last entry. Its this damn magic journal. I bought it in High Rock and it has this feature called "predictive text" which guesses what you are about to write and then writes it for you. But it gets it wrong 50% of the time and on more than one occasion I have been tempted to chuck it into the Sea of Ghosts. Which is where I am now...


So what happened after I stormed out of the Winking Skeever in my last entry was that I went up to the Blue Palace to see if I could get some work and make enough money so I could get out of Skyrim. Maybe I could get a ship to the Imperial city, it's gotta be better than here. On the way up to the palace I was accosted by some crazy, raving old man asking for help. i didn't really catch what he was saying and I gave him a septim and he pressed a big bone into my hand and said something about finding his friend in the Pelagius wing and I walked away as quickly as I could.


So I get up to the palace and the Jarl is having an audience with some guy from Dragon Bridge complaining about loud hooligans having rowdy, drunken parties in a nearby cave late at night and keeping everyone awake. When he'd finished, I approached the steward for some work and he suggested I could look into the parties in Wolf cub cave. That sounded pretty easy. I asked him about the Pelagius wing (thinking there might be something of value in there that I could nick) and he gave me a key for the door.


And then I noticed the court mage. I was half-way through saying to the steward that she kinda looked like a vampire and then suddenly everyone is frozen in time, my trousers caught fire and I was obliged to tear them off, and the mage starts swearing and striding towards me. So I bolted. But instead of running out the front door, I found myself using the steward's key on a rusty old door in a side wing and locking myself on the other side of it. I stood there, nude from the waist down, heart pounding and listening to the mage cursing and banging her fists on the door.


After a while she gave up and I wandered down this dusty, cob-web strewn hall and the next thing I know I am standing in this weird garden with two very strange looking guys sitting at a dining table. One clearly out of his mind, the other staring at me and trying not to laugh. Then he introduced himself as SHEOGORATH... and I nearly fainted. This only made him laugh out loud and he told me that he was planning to make me find a way out of the place we were in, apparently Pelgagius' mind (where else of course?) BUT, that he had been "so entertained by my adventures" that he was going to give me a gift and let me go so long as I stay in Skyrim. Daedric s***-head!


So he gives me this staff, whilst laughing his ass off, and suddenly I find myself back in the Pelagius wing of the Blue Palace. Still without my pants of course... So I managed to creep out of the palace without anyone seeing me, it was night-time by about then, and my plan was to sneak back into the Winking Skeever and get a fresh pair of pants. I managed to get all the way to the door without being seen, but the minute I got inside I was greeted by a huge crowd, drinking and laughing and all sitting down listening to Cosnach, who was drunk and standing on a table recounting my misfortunes to the whole inn!


Then everyone turned to see me standing in the doorway, holding the staff in one hand and trying to cover my rude bits with the other and they erupted into gales of hysterical laughter and all started chanting "chosen one, chosen one!"


Well I just lost the plot. I kind of remember swearing in rage at Cosnach and then pointed the staff at him, and in a flash of light he turned into .... A f***ing HAGRAVEN!!! I was suddenly no longer constipated. What happened next is kind of a blur but the tavern rioted in a panic and Cosnach flew into a panicked frenzy flapping and squawking and throwing his talons about and just wrecked the place, mass confusion.


I bolted out of the tavern, being chased down to the dock by guards, dick flapping and diarrhea running down the backs of my legs. I found a little row boat at the dock and the pilot asked where I wanted to go and I just threw some septims at him and screamed "get me out of here" and he said "you only have enough to get to Dawnstar" and I said "whatever, row godsdammit!!"


So now I am sitting in this ridiculous row boat (to think he rows this pathetic little thing all the way to Windhelm..) shivering my butt off, writing in my journal on the way to Dawnstar. Seriously, I think I am cursed!

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Dairy entry 8. Date - 2nd of Sun's Dusk ( I actually know the date for a change)


So I made it to Dawnstar without incident, except I could no longer feel my buttocks - the boat owner gave me a pair of ragged pants which weren't very warm... I got to Dawnstar with virtually no money but there was work in the mines so I made a bit of money mining quicksilver. Then I discovered that my silver 1 % increase smithing skill ring had enabled me to create a quicksilver dining set. I found that when I enchanted it with a fire enchantment, it would cook food at the same time as eating it, negating the need for cooking first! It was the first great thing I had done in Skyrim! I was so proud of my achievement that I took it to the Jarl to see if he was interested in buying a set - he was so impressed that he offered me 1000 septims for the patent. In retrospect, I really shouldn't have sold out, but I was desperate for money so I caved and sold it to him.


Newly cashed up and geared out I headed to the tavern for some mead with juniper berries, but every poor sod in there looked like they had the hang-over from hell. It turned out they were all suffering from horrible night-mares and none of them could sleep. I could certainly sympathise with that - ever since my experience in Labyrinthian and the reach I had had the same problem..


This priest of Mara, Earandur approached me and told me that the nightmares were being caused by an artifact in the nearby temple and would I be able to help him destroy it. I was pretty drunk by then and he made it sound like a pretty easy get in, break the staff and get out job, and he said it might help with my nightmares too so I said yes. Turns out he was a lying bastard.


We get to the temple and it was full of formerly comatose and now pyschotic Vermina worshippers and Orcs which we had to fight through, then it turned out Earandur used to be a cultist too, then he tricked me into drinking a potion that put me in someone else's head back in time to break down a barrier (turns out it was his head, which is messed up) and then after fighting another couple of psychos who were not asleep so I couldn't stab them before they got up, we get to the staff which turned out to be the f***ing SKULL OF CORRUPTION which parents told their kids about to scare them into going to bed when I was little. Earandur starts up a spell that would destroy the staff, and it creates this sizzling barrier around it and I just stand in the background waiting. Then I hear the daedric prince's voice in my head, telling me to kill Earandur and take the staff. Now I'm not really the murdering type, I've done what I had to do in the past, but I've been so humiliated and disrespected since coming to Skyrim, that being lied to by Earandur was a bit more than I could bear. So I gave him a little shove, not really meaning to hurt him, but he tripped and fell head first into the barrier and IT MELTED HIS HEAD!


So anyway, after I had gotten over the shock, I took the staff and ran back down to Dawnstar, but everyone who saw me coming ran the other way in abject terror, the guards started firing arrows at me and I was obliged to steal the ferry man's boat and row with everything I had along the coast! So now I am again sitting in this bloody row boat, freezing again, writing in this damn journal again. It never ends! I'm thinking if I can get to the College of Winterfell or whatever its called I might be able to flog both of these staves and make enough money to get out of here! Arkay!!

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Dairy entry 8. Date - 2nd of Sun's Dusk ( I actually know the date for a change)


So I made it to Dawnstar without incident, except I could no longer feel my buttocks - the boat owner gave me a pair of ragged pants which weren't very warm... I got to Dawnstar with virtually no money but there was work in the mines so I made a bit of money mining quicksilver. Then I discovered that my silver 1 % increase smithing skill ring had enabled me to create a quicksilver dining set. I found that when I enchanted it with a fire enchantment, it would cook food at the same time as eating it, negating the need for cooking first! It was the first great thing I had done in Skyrim! I was so proud of my achievement that I took it to the Jarl to see if he was interested in buying a set - he was so impressed that he offered me 1000 septims for the patent. In retrospect, I really shouldn't have sold out, but I was desperate for money so I caved and sold it to him.


Newly cashed up and geared out I headed to the tavern for some mead with juniper berries, but every poor sod in there looked like they had the hang-over from hell. It turned out they were all suffering from horrible night-mares and none of them could sleep. I could certainly sympathise with that - ever since my experience in Labyrinthian and the reach I had had the same problem..


This priest of Mara, Earandur approached me and told me that the nightmares were being caused by an artifact in the nearby temple and would I be able to help him destroy it. I was pretty drunk by then and he made it sound like a pretty easy get in, break the staff and get out job, and he said it might help with my nightmares too so I said yes. Turns out he was a lying bastard.


We get to the temple and it was full of formerly comatose and now pyschotic Vermina worshippers and Orcs which we had to fight through, then it turned out Earandur used to be a cultist too, then he tricked me into drinking a potion that put me in someone else's head back in time to break down a barrier (turns out it was his head, which is messed up) and then after fighting another couple of psychos who were not asleep so I couldn't stab them before they got up, we get to the staff which turned out to be the f***ing SKULL OF CORRUPTION which parents told their kids about to scare them into going to bed when I was little. Earandur starts up a spell that would destroy the staff, and it creates this sizzling barrier around it and I just stand in the background waiting. Then I hear the daedric prince's voice in my head, telling me to kill Earandur and take the staff. Now I'm not really the murdering type, I've done what I had to do in the past, but I've been so humiliated and disrespected since coming to Skyrim, that being lied to by Earandur was a bit more than I could bear. So I gave him a little shove, not really meaning to hurt him, but he tripped and fell head first into the barrier and IT MELTED HIS HEAD!


So anyway, after I had gotten over the shock, I took the staff and ran back down to Dawnstar, but everyone who saw me coming ran the other way in abject terror, the guards started firing arrows at me and I was obliged to steal the ferry man's boat and row with everything I had along the coast! So now I am again sitting in this bloody row boat, freezing again, writing in this damn journal again. It never ends! I'm thinking if I can get to the College of Winterfell or whatever its called I might be able to flog both of these staves and make enough money to get out of here! Arkay!!


Intresting, but is there a mod that actually lets you enchant plates? That would be interesting :o

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Danyl Calenhad, shipwrecked off the North coast of Skyrim, while on a journey to discover news of his missing father.


A lonely child, Danyl grew up in Korcari Wilds in distant Ferelden, as the only child of a cold, manipulating mother named Morrigan, a Witch of some infamy. Very little is known about his father, as his mother was always very secretive about the circumstances surrounding his birth. Something about "an Old God's soul", and being "special".


All his life he felt different, and a strange stirring within him called for release. He felt the weight of destiny upon himself. But, his mother was never forthcoming, and sparse to give praise or love. Magical teaching yes, affection, never.


So, one dark and stormy night Danyl slipped away into the Korcari Wilds, to pursue his quest to find his father, the mystery man.


In Dennerim and Amarinthine he discovered that his father was "the Hero of Ferelden", a legendary Grey Warden who defeated an Arch-Demon, ended a Blight, gained independence for the Circle of Mages in Ferelden, and rebuilt the Grey Warden presence in Ferelden at the Vigil in Amarinthine, before mysteriously disappearing without a trace, some say in the presence of a red headed Bard from Orlais, rumoured to be his lover.


Danyl boarded a ship for Kirkwall, where rumours abounded of a legendary hero who had passed through on the way to distant land called Tamriel. Mention was made of the red headed Bard again. He boarded a ship bound for faraway Tamriel. He needed closure. Something about Tamriel seemed to call out to him, to resonate within his soul.


The stormy coastline of the Northern Province of Tamriel, called "Skyrim"almost became his undoing, as the ship he was travelling on became shipwrecked in a violent blizzard. He lost consciousness soon after the gruelling swim to shore in the frigid water. All his belongings were lost at see, apart from a few family heirlooms.


When he came to, he was in chains, suspected of being a Stormcloak spy, on the way to the headsman's block in a grim place called Helgen. His protestations of innocence, and in fact ignorance of the entire civil war in Skyrim fell on deaf ears. It seemed he might not be destined for greatness after all...


But that all changed in an instance, when he first felt the presence, and then saw the great dragon, the old God Alduin. The reason for his existence became crystal clear in that moment.


Escape followed, and his journey began.


Like his father and mother, he is naturally gifted in magic, and drawn to it, even being mistaken for a Breton by the ignorant xenophobic Nords who called the frigid Frostfallen landscape of Skyrim home. He blends the arcane arts with the power of a warrior, and has become an Arcane Battle Mage (as his father before him, even only he knew!). Wielding destructive fire magic in one hand, and a mighty enchanted sword in the other, his cloak spell harms all who manage to get close to him, should they survive his powerful ranged magic attacks.


He has become mighty, and of some renown, as the Harbinger of the Companions, and the Arch-Mage of the College of Winterhold. He will destroy the Vampire plague, despises Assassins, but likes a bit of light fingered theft to keep him amused.


He has found a worthy Nord maiden called Vilja to share his travels, and his story has not been completely told...


Skyrim trembles at his passing.

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