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Oblivion Settler mod


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Okay i am request a mod were you can like make an actual building from the game ( i don't think there is one yet please comment if I'm wrong )....

like you have to get the resources and make a building or a fort or whatever....


If no one wants to if you could give me a little tutorial or something on how i could make something like it in the construction set i would much appreciate it....


Thanks.... and if anyone wants to help making an underground city or a water world type city ( city above water ) .... please message me i have started on them already but its only me working on them so yea

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There is the concept of what you are after already in the stock game, namely Cropsford. Basically, what you have to do is create everything in place but have it disabled initially -- the same thing happens with furnishings for houses. Things gradually become enabled during your quest, giving the appearance of being built -- you go away to get the next lot of resources, and when you get back the previous resources have been used to build (enable) certain parts of your project. You will have to learn how to used scripts, quests and how to 'parent' objects. Beyond the scope of a discussion forum, I think.


That's one approach, anyway.

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there is something like it called sticks and stones but you have to manualy place everything


Stick and Stones is a quest in Kvatch Rebuilt ain't it?

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No sticks n stones is its own mod like kvatch rebuilt


i just looked it up and sticks n stones on the comments says you have a fixed number of items to build with but i could look up the code and use the give item cheat so i will try it


Thanks Robertkor

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You could also try Crafty Bits. I believe it allows you to create platforms, and other things in-game. Not sure about making villages or anything. I was asking around about a mod that was attempting to simulate what they were doing in the Fallout 'Real Time Settler (RTS)' mod. I've been hearing rumors of a team that is trying to bring that to Oblivion.
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For decorating your landscape with buildings and other objects in-game, you may try my Construction Suite.


This is a side product of my The Evolving Society mod, which is inspired by strategy games like Settlers and Civilization. I've been working daily on this mod but no estimated release date yet.


And this project of mine has nothing to do with FO3-RTS, btw. If you look at the date of my first post, you will notice that that was before FO3 was released and the major, popular discussion at that time was whether or not FO3 would have a construction set.

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