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BBB conversions - I take requests !


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Essentially, although it does not include the ESP or the gnd.nif for the dropped items. A Type 2 pulled the mod for the moment, but it is available in a collection of his mods with the link I have in my mod page, and several people have the original. All 40 of the suits are one piece armors. There are 8 styles of suits with 5 colors each.
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Me too, but a lot of people wanted SPB stuff for BBB and can get them at the Speedbuster Collected mod still available. My main problem was the constant timeout on upload that forced me to split the file into chunks. I blame Time-Warner cable for this.
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A big thanks to Korana who gaves me the permission to convert all her mods !! So...




Thank you very much for the conversion of Westwind Rogue - I'm glad to see that Korana has given you a nice blanket-permission to convert all her work.


Cheers! :biggrin:

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hello can you please convert Daedric and Glass Armor


Do you know each time I read one of your request I just want to jump through the window ? Second time you ask for a Morrowind mod conversion...


I'm... suddenly... tired... so... tired... *back in my bed*

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I just wanted to thank the BBB conversions team for all their hard word, specially you Saaya for starting it all. Appreciate all your work, I sincerely do.


I have nothing a wanted conversed ATM (was that right?) But if I do I'll make sure to note you ;)


Thanks again.

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Thanks ^^. But in fact the starter is GrimReapersCall. When I saw a guy starting converting some armors I wanted to help him, but then he had to stop. I just hope he will come back and join the team.
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