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BBB conversions - I take requests !


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I wrote in the rules : 1 request per person. But as I finished all the requests, I accept both. ^^


quote :


Is it possible that the following get the TCL you guys give armour/clothing?


I don't understand. What is TCL ?


My apologies on both counts ...

TLC is short for Tender Loving Care :thumbsup:

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yes i am aware of that, thats why i like it. I was in the last FGT which is why i want it. Im one of few people who actually legitimately obtained a client for this game (which makes it more legal for me to obtain mods using it, however i am not the one that created the mod)
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DMRA Skimpy Robes Stock released :








calm down calm down calm down calm down...




I have to write it in Chinese or something ?


Please delete your picture... and delete the post...

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No, you already sent me a PM, you come here, don't read the rules on the first page, with an armor from another game ( already converted for BBB ? ) I even don't know how you get it, I never seen before on the Nexus, and you want to post a link for an external upload ?... this looks really strange. Some people have been banned for posting external links to illegal sites with strange mods...
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You never responded to the PM so i knew nothing from that, (indeed i couldnt even be sure you aw it, i figured honestly that you just get so much spam of requests that you mass deleted it or ever looked it, and i did read the opening page and wanted to ask anyways because you do good work and i want this thing fixed with quality.


I post screen shots on Nexus all the time, and have plenty of friends in the community that can vouch for my... not ... mal-contentedness? Tho i dont talk on the forums much thats true. but at 91 posts, im not a stranger per say.


Its fine that you dont wanna do it, i respect that and even pretty much expected it due to the nature of the mod.... i just want to use it in a not menga top heavy form so bad and its a great mod can you blame me?


I was hoping to simply contact somebody who would want a quality armor such as this and convert it for private use if need be... and you seem to be the best option is all, with lots on the resume' so to speak.


You do good work bro, take no offense from my asking.... i just wanted quality and to be able to enjoy a mod gone wrong.

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To Jojo; (awesome armor. I d like to get your permission to get a BBB conversion done on your armor. I ll give credit where credit is due.This will be the first request Ive done I hope I'm doing it right hoping to add a little cleavage to your female version Ive re-textured it for myself. id like to post some screen shots.cant figure how to take them.Help me please.);From Jojo (DRACNAR, thanks and no problem about the permission.

About the screenshots take a look here.

[url="http://cs.elderscrolls.com/constwiki/index.php/How_To_Create_Screenshots_Using_Oblivion Oh Ya, Jojo gave me permission on the Dread Knight Armor.So I think This is all I need :thumbsup: Is there anyway to make the cleavage, flesh tone I think its called a barrier or something like that.anyway I hope you and the team have fun doing it. Thanks Dracnar. (going to hopefully post some shots)

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I like the work every one is doing. Would you consider my Mod for a BBB update?


Ambassador of Darkness GPK Collection



This one is also nice.


Homura outfit



Thank you


Ambassador of Darkness is already converted, I will not do this one, even if it's your own retex mod. Sorry. ( and as Kaul said you can replace the textures of the already converted mod by yours )


But it's OK for Homura. ^^


@Slygothmog : Ok fur Seductive. But you know if Neovinci doesn't write nothing about permissions, it's because he don't want that somebody uses or modify his mods. But he is ok for BBB, I asked him.


Thanks again for Homura.

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