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BBB conversions - I take requests !


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If anyone hasn't requested this already (and I know it'd be a lot of work):


how about OOO and MMM armors and robes i.e. update the EVE replacer female meshes.


Oddly though I can't find a download link for EVE anymore.


You mean the link to EVE HGEC Eyecandy Variants Expansion? All the downloads are there...


And yeah, EVE has definitely been mentioned before and would be quite a lot of work, but I think it's in the works or at least scheduled to be sometime in the future. Although, many of the EVE armors aren't really that much more... "exposing" than stock, just changed to fit the HGEC body for the most part, so a lot of the items wouldn't really need changing at all for BBB. For example, any solid metal chest (pretty much all heavy armor) would not have any bounce and therefore be unnecessary to change. Still, I do look forward to BBB versions of these models someday, especially since EVE supports FCOM + Armamentarium items.


But I'm patient and can instead enjoy all these other great conversions in the meantime instead, especially since I recently started working on BBB versions of some custom animations in Blender and tried the BBB weighting tutorial as well. Gives me a new appreciation for the amount of work involved. XD

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Guys, what you do not understand in "please don't post after this message" ? Huh ? You just read things in big red font ? Oh, no, Robynah even don't read big red font...


I wrote that to avoid that people don't see that requests are closed.




Now that someones of you posted something, it's useless...




@Olgark : this is not a "how to learn to convert armors for BBB" topic. If you need help, please read a tuto or find another topic. Darkmaelstrom and Salamander can agree with me, it's REALLY difficult to explain how to do with a simple message...


@Gracinfields : cool. I don't already tried HM2. You think it's possible that Hentai do a fully BBB compatible mod ? With all the females ennemys bouncing without "boobs to infinity" and other problems ?


@Robynah : can't find EVE ? It's the third mod if you type EVE in the nexus search bar and if you organize the results by "downloads"...


@Jchar42 : yeah you're right I think I will not change a lot of armor in EVE because they can't bounce. I will try to do a "realistic" conversion, and don't care about people saying "I want an fully metal bouncing with extra weighting" ^^.


And about Eve for OOO or Armamentarium... mmmh first I have to do Eve, and then I will see.


I tried to install EVE for Francesco, but it just doesn't work, the OBMM installation failed. It is possible that it's only for the English version of Fran ? I installed the French one.

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Well did get a responce back from him, stating he will look into it. Did give him alot to read and look though with the skeleton.nif folders to the animations, the body even pointed to a few of your mods if he is up to test them. The issue his mod was having is he used the orginal skeleton.nif file but put them in custom folders for his custom races. However those of us with the stuff set up for BBB was causing a conflict with his custom races as they still pulled their mesh from non custom folders which means they pulled in the BBB mesh that needs Cor's skeleton thus when fully looted their boobs would shot off to infinity. Like the following pic.




The other issues was just normal beta issues with mobs being stupid, text translation errors the ussual stuff. As for him doing a BBB mod most likely not but then again. However, it is likely he may add in the new skeleton.

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So, we just need to replace the old skeleton by Coronerra's one.


I was wondering about the possibility to give Hentai Mania Episode 1 females characters the bouncing sexy walk. But it uses Mur_Zik's sexywalk, and he just asked to delete all the BBB versions because Luxiloid don't asked him the permission to convert it for BBB...


I hope Hentai asked the permission before using the walk in Hentai Mania...

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Some people just don't like other people use their work without permission, it's logical, no ? Maybe only the file has been removed from Luxiloid mod by admins, and Luxiloid thought that it's better to remove the mod entierly. But it's not a good idea because now people don't know why the mod disappeared.
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Some people just don't like other people use their work without permission, it's logical, no ?


That's not the point.

The thing was how someone react to (solve) an issue.

I prefer a down-to-earth discussion.

"This mod has been uploaded without my permission, delete it please" - something like that.

Maybe I'm tired of stress everywhere.

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I'm experiencing an odd thing with the Terramane armor :




A little mesh with missing texture is flying in the air when I equip the armor after the conversion. I tried to reweight and re-export it 3 times, always the same thing...


If somebody can help me ^^. I don't see this thing in blender or nifskope.

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