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What's the first thing you do...


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I always loot the Imperial Arena chest for that 500 gold, then set foot on the pirate ship at the Imperial waterfront, let the guards kill the pirates that chase me, then take their weapons and clothing. Lastly, I claim the pirate ship as my own, including the loot in the Captain's chest. Not a bad way to start things off...
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Me? Toggle tgm and slaughter all the Legion. Then take their armor and sell it to merchants with my 89k bounty :S



You must be my long lost brother..that's basically what i do..cept i keep the armor for my companions.

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I forgot to mention one of the other things I will often do first and foremost, depending on the character. A lot of times I'll head right over to Weynon Priory, but not to give Jauffre the amulet, rather, I go to steal his dai-katana off his person. I just park myself behind his chair and start attempting to pickpocket him, usually after the third or fourth reload I'll manage it successfully...
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  • 1 month later...
I usually run a female character with OOO/MMM.Frans/Warcry/FCOM installed, so I head into the IC, flog my junk to Thoronir who gives the best prices, then clear out the Amazons from Dzonot cave to get the best early-on armor I can get. Takes a while with a level 1 sniper, and I may have to run away a bit, but usually nets a decent bow and some decent armor.
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Me? i ussually go to... you guessed, Vilverin, kill the bandits, if they're woman, a clean kill.. and steal the robes... (mmmmm....)if they're man... go straightforward swinging a hammer (if they didn't have luck and i did a warrior type) yellin' HAMMMMMEEEERRR SMAAAAAAASSSHHH FAAAAAAAAAACCEEEE!! (someone must know for what XD) if they have luck they just die with the throat cut.... or poison... after that.... well usually part of the main plot until the arrival to the cloud ruler temple... (Baurus has been waiting for many years in Luther's Broad at this point), meanwhile, surely i will be killing trolls for a lousy pay (i love that dammit Blackwood Company armor...) Or joining a Pirate crew for... well do the pirate....
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  • 1 month later...

After getting out the sewers, I go to the Imperial City, sell that crappy loot in the Market (and don't go to Vilverin because I'm using FCOM). Then if I have enough patience, do the Thoronir quest for the 100th time, just for experience, better disposition with merchants and a bit of money.

After that the global idea is getting the reccomendations for the Arcane University.

I'll usually start with Chorrol, because I deliver the Amulet at the same time. I never use fast travel, so during the trips I collect herbs to train my alchemy skill and make some money. Also gather ingredients with damage health effect for making poison for arrows and weapons. After getting all the reccomendations, I go back to the Imperial City and make about a dozen of useful spells like:

- restore attribute (weak versions useful for out-of-combat restorations)

- weak spells for training mage skills

- cure poison/disease

- heal other

- light

- a good feather spell (don't like cheating, so this is the way I carry valuable loot to merchants and home)


These are all weak spells but considerably help gameplay.

Once I've done this, usually try to make some more money (5000gp) to buy the Talos plaza house (mod), since I don't like the waterfront craphole. This would be when I would think "what next?". Now usually I browse my quest list to find which one is suitable for low level characters. The last time it was the Windfall mod, which I've finished yesterday (level 7 or 8 at finishing). Now the possibilities are many because of the equipment and a semi-decent level.

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But to be more precise with what you're looking for, the first thing I do is swim to Vilverin and destroy the two bandits outside. Always. Without fail.



+ I always head to the Imperial City and sell all the useless stuff I gathered from the tutorial cave and bandits. After that I usually do the "Go fish" quest but I have made some exceptions.

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