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haha they'll never get smaller :P Glad they added that backup thing...much easier than before they went to the "new" Steam. Used to have to get this .exe from them and throw it in the directory of your backup and run that...now it's all in Steam ;) Some things aren't so bad on the new one...I still miss it when it was only for Half Life and the like though lol.
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Ugh, Steam. I hate Steam. Their system tries too hard to stop pirates and hackers and all it does is be a pain in the ass to legitimate players. Yet they still lose sales to pirates and let hackers past their defenses. If Bethesda ever went over to Steam, I would cry. But I guess it's better than BattleNet. So sick of message spam in Diablo II when I get in a huge battle and can't see the screen because of advertisements.
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Yeah...Blizzard too lazy to get rid of all the spambots..."SOJ FOR ONLY 99 cents!!! D2blahblah.com" 20 times in a row...N key is your best friend ;) Was nice when the patch was released...no bots. Week later...overrun. Swear they get some kind of cut from all those sites...or Blizzard employees run em..ahh lol I'll stop my conspiracy theories :P


Bethesda does have their games on Steam...heh....just did that recently..they are on Impulse too (ya think Steam is bad? lol try that)

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Yeah...Blizzard too lazy to get rid of all the spambots..."SOJ FOR ONLY 99 cents!!! D2blahblah.com" 20 times in a row...N key is your best friend ;) Was nice when the patch was released...no bots. Week later...overrun. Swear they get some kind of cut from all those sites...or Blizzard employees run em..ahh lol I'll stop my conspiracy theories :P


Bethesda does have their games on Steam...heh....just did that recently..they are on Impulse too (ya think Steam is bad? lol try that)


oh, I know they're on steam, but steam isn't required to play it. I mean like TF2 and such that need steam to be played. Hm, never heard of impulse. I don't do online gaming too much so I only know some of the more major clients like Steam, Gamespy, BattleNet, Live, etc.

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Yeah...sucks that TF2 needs Steam...they supposed to ban hackers...but I still get shot through walls :rolleyes:


Steam knockoff...really bad Steam knockoff lol...boyfriend had to use it to get updates and play Sins of Solar Empire.

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Yeah...sucks that TF2 needs Steam...they supposed to ban hackers...but I still get shot through walls :rolleyes:


Steam knockoff...really bad Steam knockoff lol...boyfriend had to use it to get updates and play Sins of Solar Empire.

Lol shot through walls is nothin' I was playing one time and a speed-hacked pyro got on. He was flying across the map torching everyone. Misery

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Ugh, Steam. I hate Steam. Their system tries too hard to stop pirates and hackers and all it does is be a pain in the ass to legitimate players. Yet they still lose sales to pirates and let hackers past their defenses. If Bethesda ever went over to Steam, I would cry. But I guess it's better than BattleNet. So sick of message spam in Diablo II when I get in a huge battle and can't see the screen because of advertisements.


you do know that Fallout: New Vegas will require Steam, don't you?

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