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Need help with RPGs...


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I have just finished ME2 and I'm looking for another challenge. Can anyone recommend me some RPGs that are must haves?


P.S Don't say DA: O or Oblivion because I have already played them.

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Not to state the obvious, but, Morrowind? :laugh:


How about the Baldur's Gate series? DA:O is supposed to be a spiritual succesor to those. The games look a bit dated but they're very good, and these days you can get a 4-in-1 boxset with both games and their expansions for almost nothing.


Deus Ex 1 is also very very good if you like the FPS/RPG combination, it's one of the best games I've ever played. it can be bought off Steam for 10 euros.

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I have the BG series on my computer and I'm thinking about Deus Ex but I don't have Steam (I'm not planning to sign up with Valve). If anyone has any other great ideas please post, I'm dying of boredom here!


Edit: If I can get Deus Ex on CD that would be great.

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How about The Witcher? If ya old enough that is (it's rated Mature for a good reason) ;) It's quite different...very mature based storyline. Plague, war, racism against elves and dwarves, corruption, drug trades, "ladies of the night", etc. Fair warning...don't let the little brother or sister watch you play it :P


Battles are fun, magic is cool, alchemy is necessary for once :) Can be rather hard when you are fighting a big group of people. Potions are a Witcher's best friend ;)


I've played a good 20 hours of it in the past 2 days...only gotten through Chapter I, II, and maybe 2/3 of the way through Chapter III...think there are V or VI parts...haven't played it since last year so I can't remember. Many a folk bought it for certain *ahem* side "quests" you can do...but that's totally optional...and pretty stupid anyways.


The game is well written (just like the books) and a good play. It's cheap now too...$20...but get The Enhanced Edition...had to put up with it before that (you can get the original and get the patches off the website)...the voice acting was all screwed up and it took a solid minute sometimes to load into different areas....and you run around into different areas A LOT. Maybe that's why I can't remember the last half of the game lol


and The Witcher 2 comes out early next year...looks totally awesome, can't wait!! :D

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Sounds good, I'll think about it (I'll like to read the books before getting TW). If anyone else has any other ideas please post it up. I'm actually planing to buy several RPGs for the long summer hall in the end of the year (as well as a few FPS).
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Yeah, I read the books after I beat the game, the first two are the only ones translated into English currently. But, after reading them, you'll understand the game more :) Heard they are supposed to be translating the last few




don't watch the TV show or movie, they both horrible lol :P

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Does Borderlands count? It's a hilarious game, and it's got RPG things like skill trees, leveling, xp, and improving your gear.


(Also: According to my brother, Chrono Trigger).

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Neverwinter Nights 2 isn't bad...and the 2nd one Mask of the Betrayer is really awesome...AMAZING story there.


And as others have mentioned, you can't go wrong with BG2+TOB


Also, very underrated but AWESOME game by the defunct company Troika=Vampire The Masquerade: Bloodlines (super, super awesome game and I do mean awesome)!

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Thanks about NWN2, I already have it and I have beaten it. It is sad about the bugs though. (if there is a patch that fixes everything, I will be thankful). I don't know about Borderlands though :unsure:, I'll think about it. Thanks for all the ideas, I think I have a plan of "attack" now.



P.S: I can't wait for the next Deus Ex game

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Neverwinter Nights 2 was awesome, but so was the original NWN. It was even better story wise in my opinion. I remember all those years ago when I first played it, I was blown away by the story's presentation. If you don't already have it, get the Diamond edition and you will have well over a hundred hours of gameplay at your finger tips. I myself have been trying to find my copy so I can finally play the Darkness over Daggerford module which is supposed to be pretty good. So far I can only find the book. :wallbash:
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