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Need help with RPGs...


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Daggerfall, Diablo is a must-have, and is an amazing RPG.


The other games people have suggested are pretty decent too, and you should grab them. Daggerfall is free to download now and is pretty easy to install and play. Pretty much the largest RPG yet. (As long as you don't mind the graphics)

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Diablo. I know a lot of people, hell, everyone with an opinion, is badmouthing blizzard right now but in reality, their games really are generaly, very very good.


Diablo one and Diablo II (pre latest patch) are two of the MOST ENJOYABLE games I have ever had the great pleasure of playing. If you're system can run it, and knowing Bliz backwards compatability, chances are it can, then you really dont have an excuse not to fork out $5 for one or both of these classics.


Likewise I'll recomend borderlands, its a hilarious PC rpg( do NOT buy the console version, its rubbish) that despite being a port, is a bloody good port. its reliable fun and a great combo of rpg and fps elaments. Made even funnier in multiplayer when you can get a few people into a classic raiding party. Especialy because its a four person comedy act even without real people playing the other three. The combat is fun, but very FPS like, and made even better by the fact that the late game weaponry is just so damn crazy. Rocket firing shotgun anyone? my level 50 has three! Pure cel shaded good fun. With phat lewtz!


DeathSpank is worth a look. You may find it a bit vulgar and childish, but it is one FUNNY game. Really, really, really good sense of humor, and its a parody of pretty much every video game ever made. You play as the one and only Deathspank, keeper of the purple thong, on a search for the biggest sword in existance to club a certain evildoer over the head with. And anyway, it was designed by the same guy as Monkey Island, and Total Annihilation.


I can also recomend the NEW Alien vs Predator game. If you dont scare easily, have a strong tolerence for gore, and what something a bit "out of the box" then you'll love this wacky little bloodsoaked gem of an online FPS. plus, IT HAS DEDICATED SERVERS! NO LAGZ! YAY!


AVP I should just say is a bit wierd, you cant just do what half the community does which is waltz in and expect it to be yet another halo clone. This game has firstly, three teams, not two. Aliens, which can run really quickly, are almost invisible when they're not in direct light, and can climb walls and ceilings-at the cost of being strictly melee based. Predators, which have potent melee or and a cloaking device, and Marines, who have potent ranged attacks and radar, but no stealth whatsoever. So when you mix that with crazy game modes like Xeno Infection, in which you've got 17 or so Marines on one team and a single lone stleathy Alien picking them off with stealth, with each kill respawning as an Alien, you get fun like I havent had since the good old days. (the late 90s)

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Well, how about Arcanum? I haven't played it, but I hear it's good.


Arcanum has one of the most imaginative and interesting worlds seen in a western RPG, I highly recommend it. It has not aged well, the interface is horribly clunky and outdated, but other than that it is a very good game. I'm not sure if there is a demo available or not, but I would recommend you try before you buy.

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Well, how about Arcanum? I haven't played it, but I hear it's good.


Arcanum has one of the most imaginative and interesting worlds seen in a western RPG, I highly recommend it. It has not aged well, the interface is horribly clunky and outdated, but other than that it is a very good game. I'm not sure if there is a demo available or not, but I would recommend you try before you buy.

I know, I was going to buy it, but I just haven't found it anywhere yet.

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Try before buy goes without saying, until you boot it up you dont know if it will even run, and as for Amazon, those guys and girls deserve a frickin medal. Not only can you get rare or unusual older generation games there, but hard to find classic books too.
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