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Hey. I just started modding, and this is my second thread on these forums. (Other one is http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/225334-arrow-flight-speed/) Which also needs some more response. But right now im in need of some handy scripts you guys know. Just get me the loads of it. Tell me everything you know, and think is useful for the avarage modder. I'd also like to learn how to script myself, because its a valueable knowledge!


Thank you in advance! :thumbsup:

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This question is so open-ended that no one dares to answer it.


Instead of asking the world for all the information everyone knows, it might be good to narrow it down a little bit. What does your mod do? What do you want it to do? What sort of scripts are you interested in? What do you like? What is fun to you?


One great source of scripts is the vanilla Oblivion game. You can read the scripts there and adapt them to your needs. Mods are another great source. If something cool happens in a mod, you can look at how the script works and adapt parts of it to your own use.


I use a lot of trap scripts that cast a spell on the player OnActivate. I use a lot of scripts that enable actors or objects in GameMode If GetStage AAQuestXX >= XX. I use a lot of proximity detectors like If GetDistance Player <= 1000. I often use the clause SetStage AAQuestXX XX.

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My favorite scripts are probably the FortRuinLever script (That's not its exact name, I think), because it's got a ton of applications. YOu can attach it to a lever to fire a trap, a lever to open a door, etc. The other script would be the enableplayer triggerbox script, because you can create some interesting effects with it by enabling things as the player passes through.
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