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My first ES game was skyrim, want to buy oblivion now -- Please help me with mods (I need certain mods to play skyrim)


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Hi I want to get oblivion, seen a few youtube videos, and well it seems awesome.


Im browsing nexus but can't find what I need :/


My first ES game was Skyrim and I need at-least these mods to have fun:

Some sort of new perk system 
Hopefully Duel wielding so I can spell-blade
Uncapper (Don't know much about Oblivion)
*Immersive Armors/Weapons (These are awesome weapon armor PACKS, I don't download items "one by one", adding more items like those mods did would be awesome)
Better world Map

Please help make my oblivion experience as smooth from years of skyrim as possible, and fun!


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Do not get in modding right after getting the game, I would say. Once you get the game, play it at least once. No need to play through main quest, though. Just finish tutorial quest, run around the world, find out what you really want.


**Oh, well, OBSE is almost a 'must' component for modding, if you want some cool stuff.

Edited by LFact
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Do not get in modding right after getting the game, I would say. Once you get the game, play it at least once. No need to play through main quest, though. Just finish tutorial quest, run around the world, find out what you really want.


**Oh, well, OBSE is almost a 'must' component for modding, if you want some cool stuff.

Kind of like SKSE ^_^


I've watched enough playthroughs to know what it feels like, and I need some mods. Sleeping to level and some other things just don't feel right. Don't want to spend 25$ on a game that I won't play for long.

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DarNified UI is the best ui mod, imo. Other ui mods I would include are Dynamic Map, Map Marker Overhaul and HUD Status Bars. For hotkey mods, I use Super Hotkeys but Enhanced Hotkeys and Hotkey Pro are both great as well. There are several good levelling mods - my favorite is Realistic Leveling, it specifically addresses the sleeping to level thing, as well as retroactive health options and a host of other things. The uncapper can wait, as all the ones I know of can be added at any time.


For weapons/armor, Armamentarium is a must. Other than that, there are a few others that are popular, but I prefer the one-by-one thing so I'm not the best person for this...


Perk system...idk of any that are specifically about redoing the whole perk system, but several that effect it in addition to other stuff...if there are some particular perks that bother you, I could help you better.


Finally, dual wielding. A quick search should suffice. I use Unnecessary Violence III, which covers dual wielding among other things.

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