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Chests bugs and armor bugs in Morrowind


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I'll try it but is there a way to keep my saves so I can go on with this particular char or is it easier to just start a new char?

Should've been more explicit. As the issue's with a mod's resources rather than the plugin itself reinstalling the resources (i.e. meshes, textures, icons) is what's needed.


That won't affect your savegame. Changing the mods you have loaded in an active save game can have an effect.


[Edit: Gah. That last sentence should really be "changing the plugins (ESPs or ESMs) you have loaded in an active save game can have an effect."]

Edited by Dragon32
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Okai the whole thing got on my nerves and I wiped out all the nasty mods, now I will install overhoul sound and graphics and MGE XE

Also I read a modding guide from your link in another conversation so thx ^^


ANother funny thing is that I had Overhoul 1.0 and this version is way to old ^^

Edited by Hunterex
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Руя ерч фдще ащк ершы еркуфвб ше рудзув ьу цудд ёё


Sorry wrong language enabled, there stands written" hey thx alot for this thread, it helped me well"

Edited by Hunterex
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