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Robe i am working on


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Here's a robe i am working on, based on assassin's Creed Robe.

I combined a bunch of meshs to make it look right, as i am no modeller. But i think it looks cool


to me it looks cool

Not sure if i should make it a robe or make it an armor


Maybe i will make 2 versions a Robe version and a Armor version


Tell me what you think, took all day to make



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Heyas Chibi :)

Its looking pretty good so far! Nice stuff!


My opinion, is that even though I know that its more work, I'd go with two versions. One that is armor, the other that is a robe. So that it would be better for both mages, and for (most likely) rogues.

OR go with a method where one suit is something very light, like a type of leather, and then one that is something heavier, like chainmail.

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@Chibievil: Oh, it's not Ezio's? I thought it was, as Altair's always seemed to look more tight-fitting to me. Good luck though, can't wait to see how this turns up :thumbsup:
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Dead giveaway it's Altair is the top isn't open at the middle exposing the chest. I kinda prefer Ezio's more but I still do like Altair's.

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