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Trouble with obmm


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File writes are being detected to the virtual store. What this means in Vista/Win7/Oblivion is that it is trying to write to the 'Program Files' folder. Uninstall Oblivion and reinstall it OUTSIDE of the Program Files folder, ie. somewhere like C:\Games\Oblivion .
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right click on the OBMM icon, and select run as adimistrator.


OBMM does not require administrative rights.

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right click on the OBMM icon, and select run as adimistrator.


OBMM does not require administrative rights.




Why are you shouting? And no, it does not. From the OBMM FAQ (Timslip's words):



"obmm doesn't require admin privileges, but it does need write access to oblivions directory. In versions previous to 1.1.2, it couldn't tell the difference between when it did actually have write access to the oblivion folder, and when windows was just pretending that it did via the virtual store. Since 1.1.2 it can tell the difference, and will start up in limited user mode if its file writes are being redirected.


Also since 1.1.2, if obmm does have full admin privileges, it will offer to move any files which old versions of obmm have left in the virtual store back to the oblivion folder. This will fix any problems with vanished omods, or mods not showing up in game. It's important that you set other mod tools to run as administrator before doing this, or they may start giving access denied errors too. If obmm doesn't have admin privilages, it wont be able to move things out of the virtual store itself, and will just display a warning instead. In this case, you can still move the files out of the virtual store by hand. On a default windows and oblivion install, the folder you need to move is 'C:\Users\[yourname]\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files\Bethesda softworks\oblivion'. You need to have 'show hidden files and folders' turned on to see the virtual store."


There is a difference between requiring admin rights and allowing admin rights. If Oblivion is installed outside of the protected folder structure, administrative rights are not an issue at all.

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Very sorry Hickory....I was drunk and didn't realise I had caps lock on till I just reviewed my post.


this is was i meant to say


If obmm doesn't have admin privilages, it wont be able to move things out of the virtual store itself, and will just display a warning instead.

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Very sorry Hickory....I was drunk and didn't realise I had caps lock on till I just reviewed my post.


this is was i meant to say


If obmm doesn't have admin privilages, it wont be able to move things out of the virtual store itself, and will just display a warning instead.


Fair enough slygothmog. I hope you haven't got a hangover. :cool:

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