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Game crashing.


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Hello I have big problem, i play game some time (10-60 minuts) and game crash, and I see message send error report/don't send.

I don't install any mods I have only Morrowind Code Patch and Polish translation.

(when i delete translation or code patch I still have problem)

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That's weird, Have you tried to uninstal and reinstall it ?

you have to install the game in this order :

1 - install morrowind

2 - install tribunal

3 - install Bloodmoon

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It could be a problem of compatibility yes, but you said above that even without the MCP and the translation the game crash.

Maybe it's due to Steam, I don't know.

You can try a few things,

-check your graphics drivers to see if they are up to date

-launch the game as administrator


I also found this on the bethesda forum :

"Run cmd.exe as an admin.
Type: regsvr32.exe /u "C:\Program Files (x86)\Corel\CorelWinDVD2010\iviaudio.ax
Load up morrowind"


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