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CS-created followers don't follow

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This is for people that have some degree of knowledge about the construction set and creating plug-ins

I would like to create some creatures and npcs that would follow me, only problem is, they don't follow me when I go to a different cell. For example, I created a dog and used the same AI as Ushnar's Skinned Hound(except the part where you need to finish the quest to get him) but the dog doesn't follow me beyond the cell I originally put him in(I tried different locations). He does reappear when I fast travel though.


Does anyone recognize this problem perhaps?

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If you followed that tutorial, yet created a creature, did you also use the quest condition GetIsPlayableRace == 1 ?
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The problems with creatures is their intelligence. If it's below 30, they will not follow into or out of buildings, forts, caves etc.....you need to set their intelligence to about 50 for good measure.

well, I'd never thought of that, thanks! Only, it still doesn't follow me out of town, but it does appear when I fast travel

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Ah now it becomes clear to me. Starting to learn the basics of Followers/companions now.


Just been too idle about it really.

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