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Dissecting Respect


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In the last few posts there has been discussion about respect and I was wondering what exactly is respect and what qualities need to be there for general honest respect to be in the heart of the person giving it. This is not to say that those people who are devoid of such qualities are incapable of respecting others, but their does seem to be an awful lot of people who need to be coaxed into respecting people and that to me sets a very bad presidence. Respect to me is not the same as taking others ino your confidence or ranking them any higher in quality of their personhood, but to see them as equals, even though they may show their individuality beyond what is comfortable to you.


I think the first thing is needed is a general love of others. Most people have difficulties with that word, because it has been so far overused it has lost it's meaning. Words do have meaning and to me love is not a intence emotional attachment to any one human being. Love is a general desire for the wellbeing other others to continue and prosper. That is why I love so much the two phrases in the two greatst Sci Fi flicts I know of.


(1) Live long and prosper, which means to me continue and be fruitful. Being fruitfull is not exclusive to financial endovers but reaches out to every facet of humanity.


(2) I see you, from Avatar, which to me means the total absolute acknowledgment of the individual before them. Those that have proven themselves dishonest or destructive are often ignored or banished from our lives and to me they are no longer seen in the hearts of those they've preyed upon. They are put away as if they were encarcerated elsewhere, even though they walk freely amoungst us.


The second thing is dignity and that has to do with seeing the person in a light that allows you to see them as equals even though their present situation may not reveal that. The quality of a human being is not attributable to the situation they are found. They can be rulers of kingdoms or they can be winoes and junkies living on the streets, but without hope none of these people will ever rise above the situation they are in and dignity is a very strong part of any persons will to better themselves. Sometimes it is up to others to treat a person in a dignified maner to instill in those people the realization that they desrve dignity.


The last is honor and this to me is what jells everything together. Honor is much more of an preconception of exaltation then anything. It is not expectation of the good in people and the desire for that good to be extended to everyone. In doing so, I think the world would be a better, finer place.


The main thing that stands in this path is fear and in that sence all that we realy much fear is fear itself. Not caution but fear.

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Honor is relatively simple, it'd adhering to a code of conduct regardless of personal adversity or safety. If one feels that the concept is elusive then I suggest an autumn visit to Arlington, there are thousands of examples to pick from. However one definition that has always stuck with me...."Honor is the only thing that a man possesses that does not diminish with time and is the only thing that cannot be taken from you without your consent".

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Honor is relatively simple, it'd adhering to a code of conduct regardless of personal adversity or safety. If one feels that the concept is elusive then I suggest an autumn visit to Arlington, there are thousands of examples to pick from. However one definition that has always stuck with me...."Honor is the only thing that a man possesses that does not diminish with time and is the only thing that cannot be taken from you without your consent".

I think you are personalizing this. honor is simple but it's not a code of conduct it is a measure of praise for an individual. I praise the people around me hoping that being seen by some else as praiseworthy they themselves will become that if they aren't already. One these discussion forums many people foresee strife and pull away defensively. I give them honor by taking the extra mile and Pm ing them with explanations, apologizes and heartfelt support. People come to places like these for many reasons. I come here to share with outhers that which I deem important and the acknowledgment of me being alive in a lonely world filled with people wishing to feel like they matter. To me, everybody does , even those who hate me. I understand that hatred as something internal that they are either unwilling or unready to confront.


Hate is an internal thing that begins and ends with the person who possesses it. It's like love. You have to have it inside of you to give it to others.

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Perhaps you should specify which definition of "honor" you are going for here. Honor, as in: To honor someone, and Honor, as in: He is an honorable person. (in that, he sticks by his beliefs/principles) are two entirely separate issues. It is possible to honor someone without honor.

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I think the person who fixed the topic, which I screwed up. This was upposed to be about respect, instead of honor. I can't really see what a lack of humor has to do with hinoring someone else. There are many resons why people lack different qualities and some of them are the result of personal trajedies. You honor those people by accepting them how they are and give them the space to show their qualities on their timeline.


I've noticed that many who lack humor are very closed off and if you take the extra effort in concerning yourself with them you may just open a door that was sealecd with tears of sorrow.

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