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Things that cannot be changed


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A cloak/cape cannot be animated to move when running.


What about things that can be made but are fiendishly complex and would take decades to do? I'm seeing a request for someone to make the other provinces of Tamriel or completely redo the game twice a week now.

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A cloak/cape cannot be animated to move when running.

It probably isn't what you're looking for but if you rig the cape/cloak to the player's legs you get some movement This was done in Lost Paladins of the Divines (http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=30371) And I've tried it too with some success. Someone else has suggested rigging it to the tail too but I'm not sure how that would work.

There's an animated cape in this mod http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=30371 which might use the tail method but I'm really not sure.



Also the different races, different meshes thing can be worked around by making the mesh a clothing item, adding some quests/spells and using some scripts:


It doesn't REALLY change the base mesh but it acts almost exactly like it would if you did.



I know these are just workarounds and not really full solutions so you might not cross it off of the "can't be done" list but they're good substitutes at least for anyone that wants something like animated capes/unique meshes.

Edited by dernet
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Hmm, you could add a subsection for "Has already been done". For example, to quell the tides of people who ask for fast travel disablers, mods that let them wear Imperial guard armor, and the other ones Kieranfoy links to about 10 times a day.
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How about cannot climb a rope? or ladder? Or even climb up a rock pile (if the rocks are spaced properly you can hop up from one to another, but cannot climb.)


I was going to put jump up more than a foot on the list, but there are some jump mods that do this.

Have you ever gotten stuck at a 6 inch obstacle? And had to back up a little before you could hop up?

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""5. new weapon types. no spear ""


Not exactly. No new weapon type without "linking them to a existing weapon type". Using a spear linked to the blunt or sword skill + using a special animation key will usually not cause conflict. It will look like you're really using a spear. However, npc will still use it like the weapon type you link it to. Conflict begin if you try to change normal attack or make npc use some new weapon in different way.

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""5. new weapon types. no spear ""


Not exactly. No new weapon type without "linking them to a existing weapon type". Using a spear linked to the blunt or sword skill + using a special animation key will usually not cause conflict. It will look like you're really using a spear. However, npc will still use it like the weapon type you link it to. Conflict begin if you try to change normal attack or make npc use some new weapon in different way.

How did you debunk the above? Trickery using existing types or replacing existing types DOES NOT EQUAL new weapon type.


Somebody wanting to create a gun, crossbow, laser or whatnot need to know there is no room for any new weapon types. You are forced to replace existing weapons or use trickery to make existing weapon types "look-n-feel" like a new weapon type.



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You're somewhat right in some way...


But no room for new weapon type doesn't mean no spear or whatever. It just mean you need to put them under a existing weapon type. If you create a new animation and link it to a shortkey so no animation is replaced and no modification to the weapon type is needed: it shouldn't cause compatibility problem. Of course you need to use your special key attack instead of the normal attack because it will look lame if you start slashing with a spear or such. You can't give "new" weapon to npc too and it need more work by a lot if you want them to use "new" weapon right. I think you can tag new weapon so the game understand how handle them and even avoid conflict.


Look here for example: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=14723


Crossbow, a new weapon and he did it the right way, not just the short'n'easy way I describe. Bow aren't replaced at all too and few conflict aren't fixed. You think it's not a new weapon type because it's under marksman and use "trickery"?


Edit: Almost forgot, number 20: Some wall climbing mod work. So it should work for ladder too. Look at vine arrows for a rope like: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6zlWetiMxVU

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