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Wow...Did you guys see this video?


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That "More bubbles! More bubbles!" quote sounds like "More DoTS!" from WoW. Cool.


Is that ship even fighting back? I didn't see anything coming from it. What does More Bubbles mean? Who's controlling the huge ship?

I am fairly certain they can be jammed if you have enough people with high enough skills and the right gear, but I doubt those guys would be firing anything, also, they may have caught it while it was on it's way to get restocked after another battle. There are many reasons as to why it may not have fought back, only way to find out would be to find out who the pilot was and ask them.


EDIT: Wow.... the forum decided to change what I was quoting, how.... odd...

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So it's only one person flying that leviathan? Wonder what that guy's guild did to him for that. And they sent no aid to the ship? At least, I didn't see any.


It's impressive when a player makes something so powerful as, say, a WoW difficulty boss.

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Odd, why didn't the Titan use its Doomsday? Never heard of one being jammed, but then Battlecruisers were the biggest thing I managed to train for in my time in EVE. Still, long live the Hurricane-class.


Massive engagements in null-sec like that were daily news events in EVE, tho. I've seen vids of fleet battles where the screen is just covered in blue and red dots, indicating friends and enemies respectively. At that point, you're fighting via menus, since the screen is a constantly-shifting mess. Scale-wise, even a miniscule frigate is the size of a 747, but would show up as a pixel next to a Dreadnaught or carrier. And even a Dread is only about 1/20th the size of a Titan.


Then factor in a fully-player-driven, multi-trillion-credit economy spread over 7,500 systems, player corporations gathered in monstrous PVP alliances, and the ability to claim systems- or even sectors- in the names of those alliances. Fighting a war in EVE makes most strat games look like Tetris.

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