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Ok So I thought I might post here in the hopes of finding a solution to a problem that has been plaguing me since I downloaded Morskom, I use real shelter and when I use the patcher to collect data from all my installed mods, it gives me the usual messages about adding masters and such, but then when it gives me the message about morskom cot patch being added to master list TES5EDIT gives me a error,





Attachment removed as after checking through it contained no error messages and would have led only to further confusion.

However if someone is all knowing and knows of a way to get RSPatch to recognize Morskom cot patch then I would be greatly appreciative :)

Edited by Rebel47
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So apparently you cannot uninstall ANYTHING while using this mod.
I have a stable build so I haven't made any changes to it in a long while. During that time Morskom has been my go-to for in-game housing. It's wonderful. Unfortunately for me it's also apparently not entirely stable.


I just got a brand new PC that is extremely powerful. Because of this I chose to uninstall Hialgoboost because I no longer needed it. Uninstalling that caused Morskom to completely reset itself. When I went back in-game it acted as though I had never purchased the house. All of my work and all of the items I had stored there are now lost. I am very disappointed. I've tried re-installing hialgo and loading an earlier save but there's no use. It just looks like the mod reset itself completely.


Any suggestions?

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It's Skyrim itself that can't handle uninstalling mods. That's why you get the warning message when you try to load a save game without one of the mods it depends on active. If you go back to an earlier save and have all of the same mods loaded there should be not problem. If something it not working, then it probably means you didn't get everything transferred to the new PC correctly.

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It's Skyrim itself that can't handle uninstalling mods. That's why you get the warning message when you try to load a save game without one of the mods it depends on active. If you go back to an earlier save and have all of the same mods loaded there should be not problem. If something it not working, then it probably means you didn't get everything transferred to the new PC correctly.


No, I had everything transferred correctly and the game was still running brilliantly. I just chose to uninstall Hialgoboost because now I don't need it (and wanted to add an ENB which it's not compatible with). I reinstalled Hialgoboost anyway and it went back to normal. I guess I'm going to have to stick with it and deal without the enb.

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So I've been working on building the house, it's a really well made mod and I've had no big issues except the dust particles near the back of the house on the first floor cause the candle chandelier to flicker quite noticeably. It's done that with either Vanilla, or RLO, or ELFX, and with or without ENB. Not sure what can be done about it. Minor problem, but figured I'd ask about it.

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Are those dust particles from before or after you've swept the floors?

Well now I feel dumb. Thank you. That was actually the first thing I tried to do but I hadn't gotten lights, so after I did I completely forgot about. It's fixed now, much appreciated.

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Are those dust particles from before or after you've swept the floors?

Well now I feel dumb. Thank you. That was actually the first thing I tried to do but I hadn't gotten lights, so after I did I completely forgot about. It's fixed now, much appreciated.


There's a reason I knew to ask that question. :)

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SOMEONE PLEASE HELP!! I luv this mod but its gonna be the friggin death of me, it keeps CTD'ing. I get the house, purchase all the stuff, and craft everything, and fill everything with my posessions. The only problem is now I CTD whenever I load a save inside the house. It doesn't CTD when I load a save inside the house when its vacant, and nothings crafted, but only when I've fully furnished everything. This is ooo annoying :X

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