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Help On Modding Fallout 3 Weapons & Armour


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I have gone to many different sites and different topics (on this site as well as others) and i have yet to find a detailed description of how to modify Fallout 3 Weapons and Armour.... All I am asking that an experienced Modder could give me a list of FREE tools ,and tutorials on how to use them, that i could use to make my own things... I have never done any of this kinda stuff other than VERY basic things in G.E.C.K.... this has always interested me but i have never been able to find much information on how to do it.



P.S. It would be very cool (but probably out of the question) if you

could write the tutorial yourself and either send it to me via email or here

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first model and tetxure it- while baring in mind you want to animate it later.- you will not find good modelling tutorials on a modding website. search google and visit 3d and cg websites.


once that's done, you can probably add a new controlled block in the unequip/holster weapon anim that makes the weapon fold as you put in on your belt.

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