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Some people don't apreciate the old games


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Oblivion has multiplayer? :teehee:


It used to.


It was a goodly long time ago but it DID have a mod that added full multiplayer. It worked fairly well, though difering mods and retarded children as always through a thorn in the side of entertainment.

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By retarded children, do you mean kids who use the command console to ruin other people's fun? I would personally have to do it in private games with friends, to prevent just that. I hope they put in a multiplayer mode in the next one, maybe make it so that the host's mods are used? Or make it so that only vanilla can be used online?


Sorry, musing. BACK TO THE TOPIC

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To me, blinding graphics certainly can't compensate for lack of storyline, a poor gaming experience and general bugginess.


This is exactly why I don't enjoy games like Crysis. They design them so they can only be run by super-computers from outer space because the graphics are that detailed but then the game and story. MGS4 had average gameplay and excellent graphics. I enjoyed it though, the cutscenes were that long and the graphics so polished off it felt like I was playing a movie, but if the story line wasn't so enthralling I wouldn't have given a second glance. I play a game like Dungeon Keeper 2 and I can put the bad graphics aside because it's so damn fun to play. Graphics improve a game, they don't make a game.

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To me, blinding graphics certainly can't compensate for lack of storyline, a poor gaming experience and general bugginess.


This is exactly why I don't enjoy games like Crysis. They design them so they can only be run by super-computers from outer space because the graphics are that detailed but then the game and story. MGS4 had average gameplay and excellent graphics. I enjoyed it though, the cutscenes were that long and the graphics so polished off it felt like I was playing a movie, but if the story line wasn't so enthralling I wouldn't have given a second glance. I play a game like Dungeon Keeper 2 and I can put the bad graphics aside because it's so damn fun to play. Graphics improve a game, they don't make a game.

lol, that is true. Daggerfall has some........ poor graphics though, but the game has almost 10X the space of morrowind and oblivion combined in my opinion. The game is a little lopsided, but than again, it has to be. Other than going out into the wilderness, it is real simple to go out and find stuff. The ONLY thing I wish they did better was finding dungeons, you can find them by doing quests, but omg!!!! I remember this one mages guild in a southern spot:

"I need you to go and kill a mummy for its wrappings."MGman

"Sure." me

Go to where he told me to go and ran into harpies........ I was level 2, elven weapon...... need I go on?

Even though I died, I still had fun and learned something, never fight harpies without the proper weaponry.

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The bottom line is that your eyes are as adaptive as your imagination is. If you're good at filling in the blanks from suggestion, then ancient and pixelated graphics won't bother you. If you're not, then you'll just get headaches trying- it doesn't mean that you aren't a 'true' gamer. It just lets those of us who enjoy the old-school classics put ourselves up on a pedestal so we can be elitist bastards at your expense. :thumbsup:


While I love to look at shiny visuals as much as the next gamer, I actually find that filling in the bits older graphics left up to the imagination to enhance the experience of playing those older games. For example, I found System Shock 2 to be a much gloomier and spookier experience than its spiritual successor, Bioshock, precisely because the technology of the late 90s didn't allow for the detailed faces and bodies that the later game had. The enemies were nameless, faceless- which allowed the player to put faces and names to them, always wondering if you'd just killed the very person whose audio log you listened to a few minutes before. Despite improvements in graphics technology, mook-level enemies are still cloned; maybe there are five or six models instead of just one or two, but after a while you come to recognize their faces. You know they can't be anyone important to you, so there is no emotional investment in battling them. Even other games from the late 90s suffered from that effect; there were only a handful of security guard and scientist models in Half-Life, each of which was very recognizable, so you didn't really feel bad if one of them got blown away.


Sometimes better graphics can outpace the technology to make the level of detail immersive- with detailed faces, you really need a randomized face generator in order to offer the same level of emotional investment. Even Fallout 3 and Oblivion, games which should be capable of that feat, still select their mooks from a pre-set list of faces; you could whack the same raider or bandit half a dozen times in an hour or two of play, maybe with a different haircut but the same face right down to their expression as they fall over dead. I'm not saying that developers should just not bother with the level of detail we've come to expect; what it has done is give NPCs life in a way they never could have had in older titles, to offer the player a greater level of emotional investment in their PC, close allies, and boss-level enemies who all get their own unique identities... but we should also be aware that there are things that are lost as technology improves.

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I am actually starting to not like a lot of newer age games, mainly because of their complexity, that an older gamer like myself just isn't used to. Putting complex mechanics in RPGs but completely lacking on everything else. Complex meaning I can several hours through a game and still not have a full grasp on the games combat mechanics. Now all the sudden an RPG starts to seem like you need timing like in street fighter. I like the older action RPGs, but not these new ones like star ocean 4, I literally failed at the tutorial in that game, and found the system really confusing. Once I start a game I usually finish it, but this is one of the few in many years that I just had to throw the towel in on. Just didn't get the game at all. And yeah it was hard, ridiculously hard, but probably wouldn't have been to someone who understood the mechanics.
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I'ma become a game designer, it will be great. Massive free roaming sanbox RPG with realistic damage, but fantasy all over (fight dragons, but can 1-hit if you do it right, 10000 hit if wrong, behead people, etc) multi person combat assasin's creed style, one on one like mortal kombat. finally, a lot of "normal life" features, such as hunger, thirst, sleep deprivation, and family. Wouldn't that be great???
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  • 2 weeks later...

Yes I too am an Older gamer I've played games and finished all that I could but by christ I can't put my finger on it but something is really lacking in the games of today they are NOT FUN pure and simple give me duke NUKUM 1 anyday over the tripe they shovel out today I meen don't get me wrong I like some new games like the F.E.A.R. series but what really gets on my nerves is DLC I remember when you could just go out and buy the FULL GAME, no stupid DLC no G4WL take Fallout 3 for example Buggy as all Heck Is bethsoft gonna fix it Nooooo.. why they sold heaps.


Why didn't they have beta testers in their company playtest the game for about 2 years with the money they generated they bought id software out:( dumb move in my opinion id made some of the most memorable FPS's ever I hope id software take bethsoft over (open source games are more stable then bethesda's) I have to ask myself why weren't bethesda sued into correcting their mistakes Now don't get me wrong I love playing fallout 3 (when the game behaves itself) god even bioshock (which looks 100x better ran perfectly) I have to wonder why OBLIVION worked perfectly (once patched) and this game doesn't.


I hope bethsoft release a 1.8 final update for it I've heard in other forums that it's the sound BSA's that are the problem menuvoices.bsa and voices.bsa So bethsoft how about you fix your older games first with updates before you make NEW ONES!!! No excuse :nuke: bethesda=failure why do you (if you are reading this) keep making games that need to be "fixed" by the general public.. and then have the audacity to release DLC for it and expect us to pay for a LEMON.. Aww.. come on.:dry: (RANT OVER)


I Like www.gog.com Oh YES!!!


and http://www.theoldcom...r.com/index.php which is a LEGITIMATE site for obtaining dos games and nes/sega roms


http://forum.theoldcomputer.com/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=104 payment of $10 get's you everything!

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