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Would you heal these shaking bones?

Take away my idle threats,

And from them help me grow?


Free my heart from iron chains.

Scrub the blood and fly away,

Mend these aching thoughts and

Watch me.


I collapse my veins.


Wouldn't you shake me?

Wouldn't you wake me?


I'm breaking in my sleep.

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A longing for something? A desire?


I took this poem as a statement of a need, a state of being.


Very excellent! :thumbsup:

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A longing for something? A desire?


I took this poem as a statement of a need, a state of being.


Very excellent! :thumbsup:


Not sure...I just kind of opened up a post and let it flow you know? I'm feeling a bit down, not sure why. Figured writing it out would help. I do feel a bit better now..thank you for your kind compliment! *^_^*

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When I respond to a poem, the response is of the moment. Every different moment brings a different response, which is how it needs to be.

Interpretation is personal and the link between the poet and the poem reader is always special, fleeting perhaps with every reading.

To pretend total understanding of any poet or poem is a kind of arrogance both unneeded and unwanted by most.


We have all been confronted by the arrogance of the so called poetry expert, the critic who behaves as if his or her interpretation is the only valid one.

The worst one of these can be in our own heads.

Let them all go.

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It can be read in more than one way and thous Interpreted. So it is a mirror to the soul of the reader. I like poems that do exactly that.


Thanks very much! :) I have an emotional attachment to any art I make...which can be good and horrible, haha!

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I think, I'm not welcome any more.


Why do you say that?? I appreciate your words and understand what you meant...it was to be a compliment and I took it as such. Don't be sad! :/

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When I respond to a poem, the response is of the moment. Every different moment brings a different response, which is how it needs to be.

Interpretation is personal and the link between the poet and the poem reader is always special, fleeting perhaps with every reading.

To pretend total understanding of any poet or poem is a kind of arrogance both unneeded and unwanted by most.


We have all been confronted by the arrogance of the so called poetry expert, the critic who behaves as if his or her interpretation is the only valid one.

The worst one of these can be in our own heads.

Let them all go.

I definitely tend to be my own worst critic, sometimes crippling myself before I even get started. I've improved, however, and now I can accept compliments and CONSTRUCTIVE criticism well. If someone just says "Your work is sub par and you have no future," I feel it pretty hard. Still working on that. ^_^ Thank you for the good advice, my friend.

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