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MGE, what do I do?


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I just spent a week playing with modded Morrowind, about half way through the main quest, just to get a feel for how the mods work and so on (very new still to Morrowind modding, but fairly seasoned with Skyrim)

But the one think I cannot get to work, which eventually messed up my game (no worries) is MGE. No matter what I run as administrator, I always get the "MGE has stopped working error" when I start the .exe. I watched tutorials, I asked people individually, and I researched, but there seems to be 50 answers for the same problem and none are working for me.

I'm not wanting to majorly overhaul any graphics, like the popular all in one overhaul. The *only* thing I'm interested in is fixing the widescreen issue and maybe long-distance visuals. That's genuinely it, but I can't figure out how to get it working.

I'm on Steam, a Windows 8 Samsung laptop, no problems running the game (or any other game) modded or vanilla. Just can't get this working.

If anyone could help, I'd appreciate the learning experience/sage advice.


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Are you using MGE XE ?

You can try to re-download it and install it over the one you already have. (except if it's MGE, it could cause some problem)

You can find MGE XE here : http://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/41102/?

And don't forget to download the update here : http://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/26348/?

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That's Morrowind! The Gamebryo engine it uses doesn't take advantage of all aspects of modern hardware, and was a bit of a dog when it was released anyway. The "High detail shadows" setting (I think that's available in MGE XE? It's a morrowind.ini setting) can apparently have a big effect.


Temporarily rename d3d8.dll and dinput8.dll (that's how MGE XE hooks itself into the game) to see what your FPS is like without MGE XE.

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Haha right, I see! Very interesting.. I will see what I can rummage up to make this playable :smile:


4Go patch, high detail shadows, and test with renaming the .dll. Got it.


Thanks very much for the support!

Just a headsup on the 4GB patch: definitely use it but if you also use the Morrowind Code Patch then apply the 4GB patch after MCP (MCP checks for and needs an unaltered executable).


Whilst we're talking about messing around with EXE you may want to give Timeslip's EXE Optimiser a go (converts FPU instructions in the EXE to SSE), theoretically it should boost FPS on CPUs which use the SSE and SSE2 extensions but I've only found it to reduce CTDs. Worth doing for that alone though.


Order I'd use the tools in is MCP > EXE Optimiser > 4GB Patch

Edited by Dragon32
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Pshew ok! I think that makes plenty of sense. Thank you for kind of laying out the steps, too, I am a bit dyslexic so it's nice to have concise instruction.

I will get both of those and try them out when I'm home. Hopefully I can get it banged out, it's getting frustrating seeing Let's Play's of Morrowind with all the bells and whistles running fairly smoothly, and I can't even see past 30 meters without 70's clay-mation choppiness. But it is a learning experience, I had the same rough water when learning to mod Skyrim.

Cheers again!

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