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Could somebody recommend me a 2H sword?


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Hi, I have been looking through the mods on this site for a big 2H sword (bigger than a claymore) that is fairly powerful as well that I can use it as my regular weapon and not just for show. So far, the only options I've found are the bleach anime swords and one or two others but I dont really like the way they look (skinny blade - I want a wide blade, and non-anime swords) Can anyone recommend me a good mod for this?



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I don't know about your second question, but one totally awesome 2H sword you should check out is the Blackluster Claymore. It comes with the Blackluster armor mod, and you can find it for sale at A Fighting chance. Very awesome blade!
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HGEC is an expansion on the Exnem Eye Candy body, but far superior. Any armours for Exnem will work with HGEC. Also, I reccomend the TGND body, which is also a variation of HGEC. Still compatible with all HGEC and Exnem stuff, but a much better and more natural feel.
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I recommend one of my Carsomyr sword mods :D


Just click on the "My Mods" in my signature and scroll down to see the list. There's two versions of the sword. V2 has a bit of a wider blade than the first.

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Okay sweet thanks for the info. Definately much appreciated =) But I have one last question, sorry. About using the CS to edit weapon stats like LFact mentioned, I've been skimming through the CS wiki and so is all i do is import the nif for the sword and change the numbers a little bit? Or is it more complex than that? What should i do?
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