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Could somebody recommend me a 2H sword?


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Ok, here's what you do. Sorry if you already know some of this, but I always find step by step instructions easier, so if a step seems obvious, it's not that I think you don't know it, I just want to be thorough.


1. Install the mod into your Oblivion Data folder using the instructions from the readme

2. Open the CS

3. Click on File -> Data

4. Place a check next to your desired mod, then make sure your mod is highlighted, and check Select Active Mod in the bottom left corner

5. When it's done loading, find your weapon in the Object Window by browsing the left panel. Most likely your weapon will be under Items -> Weapons -> (mod creatores name) For example: Using Helborne Spear Set the weapons are under Items -> Weapons -> helborne

6. Double click your weapon of choice in the right panel of the Object Window. This will bring up the edit box, after which you can change the damage rating in the box marked damage just a little bit above and to the right of the cancel button.


*NOTE* If you want a guide as to what your damage rating will come out as on your character, there's an explanation of the calculations used here: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Claymore#Claymores

Just click on damage calculations in the white box on the right, or just scroll down a little bit. Or, what I personally do, is locate another already in-game weapon in the CS, and look at its damage rating, and make it the same as my weapon of choice. ie: A daedric claymore has a rating of 26, so if you want your blade that powerful, make its damage 26.


7. You'll probably want to make sure Ignore Normal Weapon resistance is checked as well. It most likely is, but it never hurts to look.

8. Click Ok

9. Make sure you save!!!

10. Open Oblivion Launcher and activate the mod


And there you are! Your new weapon should now not only look fabulous, but be powerful as well. It will also already be placed in game wherever the mod creator has placed it, which can be found in the readme (hopefully!) This is probably way more of an explanation than you were looking for, but I figured I'd try to be as thorough as possible and answer your question!

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