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How long did it take you to complete Dawnguard? (Vampiric Side)


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I remember seeing a forum thread, similar to this, stating that the average play time for Dawnguard is 4 hours.


4 Hours.


Its taken me atleast 10 hours and I haven't even completed the Vampiric side of the DLC, let alone the Dawnguard side.


So, depending on the speed in which people play through the DLC; the time taken to complete the DLC will alter.


So, i would like to know if im moving too slow, or is 4 hours just a bit rushed.


(I've had Skyrim for over a year, and I have only just decided to check the DLC's out)

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I never completed the whole DLC but it depends on how you play the game.


If you take your time, immerse yourself, and never done the quests before -- it might take a bit longer.


If you know all the quests, "op", and just blaze through everything doing ONLY the quests -- not stopping on the side to collect materials, hunt some animals, mine some ore, etc; it could take a bit longer.

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I didn't even realise at the beginning there was the option to choose 2 different sides, i wasn't clearly asked if i wanted to join the Dawnguard, or join the vampires. But i would have chosen the vampires so its all good, and i will come back to play through the Dawnguard side also.


I'm glad its not just me, and now i understand that the way im playing through will take me longer, which is good.


Thanks for the help! ;)

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