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Can someone help me figure out my computer's limits for Skyrim?


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I'm trying to figure out what my game's boundries are for Skyrim, which I know sounds weird because every game i've ever played on this computer can run on ultra settings without any issues. I want to figure out what my limits are with modding, because I've tried to mod and remod my game time and time again, but I get CTDs occasionally and some places in the game come to a crawl at like 10-15 FPS, but other places run exceptionally well at like 50-60 FPS. My real goal is to get my game to look decent, but have it run great, and to perhaps drop down the CTDing a bit. I can list my Dxdiag here and my current mod list, but I doubt anyone will bother to respond to this anyways.



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1. You haven't posted your pc specs, stating just your fps is too vague. It would be easier to ask people with similiar rigs for their mod list.

2. What mods are in your load order atm?

3. Make sure to:


-Install ENBoost

-Get SKSE. Download "SKSE pre-download ini for lazy users" from nexus (it has memory patch).

-Install Mod Organizer (you will be able to create few mod profiles and quickly check your performance)

-Plug TES5Edit into Mod Organizer. Clean Bethesda Master Files and other dirty mods. Check Gopher tutorials on youtube.

-Plug LOOT (BOSS replacement) into Mod Organizer. Let it sort your mod list.

-Download Performance PLUS

-Read "Skyrim Stability Guide" by FireFreak111 here at nexus.

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1. You haven't posted your pc specs, stating just your fps is too vague. It would be easier to ask people with similiar rigs for their mod list.

2. What mods are in your load order atm?

3. Make sure to:


-Install ENBoost

-Get SKSE. Download "SKSE pre-download ini for lazy users" from nexus (it has memory patch).

-Install Mod Organizer (you will be able to create few mod profiles and quickly check your performance)

-Plug TES5Edit into Mod Organizer. Clean Bethesda Master Files and other dirty mods. Check Gopher tutorials on youtube.

-Plug LOOT (BOSS replacement) into Mod Organizer. Let it sort your mod list.

-Download Performance PLUS

-Read "Skyrim Stability Guide" by FireFreak111 here at nexus.

I have everything you mentioned except the ENBoost and performance plus. I'm going to list my specs in a seperate post, just surprised anyone bothered to answer lol

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Operating System: Windows 8.1 64-bit (6.3, Build 9600) (9600.winblue_r3.140827-1500)

Language: English (Regional Setting: English)

System Manufacturer: 1E658

System Model: 1E658A74

BIOS: BIOS Date: 05/03/11 17:25:20 Ver: 08.00.16

Processor: Intel® Core i5 CPU 750 @ 2.67GHz (4 CPUs), ~2.7GHz

Memory: 4096MB RAM

Available OS Memory: 4088MB RAM

Page File: 2889MB used, 3181MB available

Windows Dir: C:\WINDOWS

DirectX Version: DirectX 11

DX Setup Parameters: Not found

User DPI Setting: Using System DPI

System DPI Setting: 96 DPI (100 percent)

DWM DPI Scaling: Disabled

DxDiag Version: 6.03.9600.16384 64bit Unicode

If more information is needed let me know, I want to figure this out once and for all.

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Operating System: Windows 8.1 64-bit (6.3, Build 9600) (9600.winblue_r3.140827-1500)
Language: English (Regional Setting: English)
System Manufacturer: 1E658
System Model: 1E658A74
BIOS: BIOS Date: 05/03/11 17:25:20 Ver: 08.00.16
Processor: Intel® Core i5 CPU 750 @ 2.67GHz (4 CPUs), ~2.7GHz
Memory: 4096MB RAM
Available OS Memory: 4088MB RAM
Page File: 2889MB used, 3181MB available
Windows Dir: C:\WINDOWS
DirectX Version: DirectX 11
DX Setup Parameters: Not found
User DPI Setting: Using System DPI
System DPI Setting: 96 DPI (100 percent)
DWM DPI Scaling: Disabled
DxDiag Version: 6.03.9600.16384 64bit Unicode
If more information is needed let me know, I want to figure this out once and for all.



No dedicated graphic card?


Your bios is pretty dated. You should check your motherboard model and download latest version manualy. Don't forget to create restore point first.


With only 4gb of ram your system might start dropping memory to page file when skyrim goes above aprox 2.5gb (windows + applications running in the background uses aroung 1.5gb). Everytime it does this you will see performance decrease or CTD/freeze if the application does not recover. I recommend getting 8gb for gaming. If this is not gonna happen anytime soon you should close all unnecessary programs/applications before running skyrim (check in task manager or get program that does that automaticaly).


Not many ppl know it, but old sound drivers can drop your fps a lot. There were guys relying on windows and other program updates, finding out in the end they had drivers from 2006. Latest Realtek version is from May 2014.


How to check your sound driver version:

-Right click on sound icon on your windows taskbar.

-Select Playback Devices.

-Right click on Speakers, select Properties.

-Click on Properties button.

-Go to drivers tab.


Google driver download site and install manualy, if necessary.


Don't forget to set your sound quality under Advanced tab to 16 bit 48000 Hz (DvD Quality), while you're at it.

Edited by BlackRoseOfThorns
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Creating a restore point will do nothing to save your computer if updating the bios goes tits up. Unless you are very comfortable with bios updating I highly advise against it unless your motherboard has new features the new bios will enable. Updating your bios can go horribly wrong if done incorrectly and very rarely will improve system performance by any real amount if at all.


You would probably gain more performance from tweaking your windows services than from any bios update and it is a much safer thing to do. Blackviper has a great site on all the services you can tweak for your system. Turning off all the unnecessary services will free up valuable memory and cpu cycles. Just make a restore point and when in doubt about a service you aren't sure about in the guide just follow the recommended setting or set it to manual instead of disabling.


But certainly update your drivers, nothing severe can go wrong that cannot be fixed (bad bios update = broken system).

Having said that though without knowing your graphics card you are going to be limited in just how good you can make your Skyrim look with only 4 gigs of ram. There are some options just don't expect miracles. Your biggest gains in looks will come from using good performance friendly weather and lighting mods.


Everything BlackRose said in his first post is correct though. Do all of that and you should be able to squeeze what you can out of your system. Any further advice will have to be based on what graphics card you are using. Skyrim Project Optimization is a good mod to add to the list.


Going under the assumption your graphics card is not the greatest and you only have 4 gigs of ram I would certainly avoid using any sort of ENB aside from using the ENBoost feature only. Stay away from any high resolution textures and mods that add a lot of environmental objects such as npcs and buildings.

Edited by lordmonkus
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Creating a restore point will do nothing to save your computer if updating the bios goes tits up. Unless you are very comfortable with bios updating I highly advise against it unless your motherboard has new features the new bios will enable. Updating your bios can go horribly wrong if done incorrectly and very rarely will improve system performance by any real amount if at all.


You would probably gain more performance from tweaking your windows services than from any bios update and it is a much safer thing to do. Blackviper has a great site on all the services you can tweak for your system. Turning off all the unnecessary services will free up valuable memory and cpu cycles. Just make a restore point and when in doubt about a service you aren't sure about in the guide just follow the recommended setting or set it to manual instead of disabling.


But certainly update your drivers, nothing severe can go wrong that cannot be fixed (bad bios update = broken system).

Having said that though without knowing your graphics card you are going to be limited in just how good you can make your Skyrim look with only 4 gigs of ram. There are some options just don't expect miracles. Your biggest gains in looks will come from using good performance friendly weather and lighting mods.


Everything BlackRose said in his first post is correct though. Do all of that and you should be able to squeeze what you can out of your system. Any further advice will have to be based on what graphics card you are using. Skyrim Project Optimization is a good mod to add to the list.


Going under the assumption your graphics card is not the greatest and you only have 4 gigs of ram I would certainly avoid using any sort of ENB aside from using the ENBoost feature only. Stay away from any high resolution textures and mods that add a lot of environmental objects such as npcs and buildings.

I'm thinking of downgrading, I usually play with skyrim 2k textures and RLO and SMIM, so maybe I'll just completely ignore graphics and just focus on gameplay. I appreciate the advice.

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Operating System: Windows 8.1 64-bit (6.3, Build 9600) (9600.winblue_r3.140827-1500)
Language: English (Regional Setting: English)
System Manufacturer: 1E658
System Model: 1E658A74
BIOS: BIOS Date: 05/03/11 17:25:20 Ver: 08.00.16
Processor: Intel® Core i5 CPU 750 @ 2.67GHz (4 CPUs), ~2.7GHz
Memory: 4096MB RAM
Available OS Memory: 4088MB RAM
Page File: 2889MB used, 3181MB available
Windows Dir: C:\WINDOWS
DirectX Version: DirectX 11
DX Setup Parameters: Not found
User DPI Setting: Using System DPI
System DPI Setting: 96 DPI (100 percent)
DWM DPI Scaling: Disabled
DxDiag Version: 6.03.9600.16384 64bit Unicode
If more information is needed let me know, I want to figure this out once and for all.



No dedicated graphic card?


Your bios is pretty dated. You should check your motherboard model and download latest version manualy. Don't forget to create restore point first.


With only 4gb of ram your system might start dropping memory to page file when skyrim goes above aprox 2.5gb (windows + applications running in the background uses aroung 1.5gb). Everytime it does this you will see performance decrease or CTD/freeze if the application does not recover. I recommend getting 8gb for gaming. If this is not gonna happen anytime soon you should close all unnecessary programs/applications before running skyrim (check in task manager or get program that does that automaticaly).


Not many ppl know it, but old sound drivers can drop your fps a lot. There were guys relying on windows and other program updates, finding out in the end they had drivers from 2006. Latest Realtek version is from May 2014.


How to check your sound driver version:

-Right click on sound icon on your windows taskbar.

-Select Playback Devices.

-Right click on Speakers, select Properties.

-Click on Properties button.

-Go to drivers tab.


Google driver download site and install manualy, if necessary.


Don't forget to set your sound quality under Advanced tab to 16 bit 48000 Hz (DvD Quality), while you're at it.


I'll check out the sound thing, but it's weird because despite all that, Skyrim is the only game my computer struggles with. Almost every single game I've ever ran on my three years of having this computer usually runs at ultra with 50-60 FPS, but Skyrim is a pretty unique game with a lot going on. I'm thinking I might do lordmonkus said and just get rid of my graphics mods, and just live with vanilla skyrim stuff. But then at least I can mod my gameplay a lot.



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Yeah drop the 2k textures for sure. Keep RLO, it looks good and is performance friendly and handles weather if I remember correctly (ELFX looks good but can hit the performance a little). SMIM you can try with and without and see how it hits your frame rates. Out of those 3 mods you listed the 2k textures is the biggest performance hit by far.


I have no idea what your graphics card is but just for reference I have a ddr5 radeon 7850 with 1 gig of ddr5 vram 9 (ddr3 vram is really bad) and 8 gigs of system memory and I just use the official high-res texture pack and some other textures and i'm bordering on the performance sweet spot using a very light weight ENB for the shadows. Disabling the ENB only gains me about 2 frames per second (depending on where I am in game).

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Yeah drop the 2k textures for sure. Keep RLO, it looks good and is performance friendly and handles weather if I remember correctly (ELFX looks good but can hit the performance a little). SMIM you can try with and without and see how it hits your frame rates. Out of those 3 mods you listed the 2k textures is the biggest performance hit by far.


I have no idea what your graphics card is but just for reference I have a ddr5 radeon 7850 with 1 gig of ddr5 vram 9 (ddr3 vram is really bad) and 8 gigs of system memory and I just use the official high-res texture pack and some other textures and i'm bordering on the performance sweet spot using a very light weight ENB for the shadows. Disabling the ENB only gains me about 2 frames per second (depending on where I am in game).

Can you show me some screenshots of the ENB you use? I wouldn't mind a decent low end one for brightness especially, I seem to have an issue even with RLO or EFLX where the game is either too bright or too dark (Like for example, when I go into a shop like belathors general goods, it's darker than a cave)

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