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Completely disabled map


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I've really been into skyrim immersion mods like remove quest marker,and such.And now all i need is a mod (if possible) to completely disable the map,what i mean is that when you press M absolutely nothing happens,i want to make the game more challenging and this is exactly what i need.Play skyrim without any map.

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Create a folder "Mod Organizer\mods\Blank_Map\textures\terrain\Tamriel" and within that one, also create a folder "objects".

Back to "Tamriel", place a few purely black (or white... or whatever) .dds files and name them as in this image:





Then, inside the "objects" folder, create tamriel.objects.dds, another purely black picture.

Then start MO and activate your new plugin.


Disclaimer: I never tried that myself, but that's how "A Quality Worldmap installer" does it.


Edit: Fixed picture link... somewhat.

Edited by notmyhome
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